05 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Feeling Confident In Your Most Vulnerable State: Naked

By admin

I used to laugh at Dan because each time he walked by the mirror he seemed to be checking himself out. I mean, granted he is a hottie, but it was funny and completely opposite of me. Maybe the laughter was really due to jealousy.

dan hottness

Take a walk with me, to my life 6 years ago…


2007: This wasn’t me at my heaviest, but I wasn’t happy with myself, at all.

As a woman, a self conscious woman at that, the old me would try to avoid glancing in the mirror at all cost. My body wasn’t where I wanted it to be and looking in the mirror was just a reminder.

I think we’re all like that, at least at some point in our lives.

But let’s face it, the mirror can’t be avoided. In the mornings, I have always gotten dressed in the bathroom and of course the bathroom has a huge mirror. Unless I wanted to put my workout tights on backwards or place my head through my sleeve, I had to keep my eyes open. Which meant checking myself out.

I’ve talked about it before, we are our own worst critics… and I was (and am) no different.

Why? Why are we so negative on ourselves?

If we were in a dressing room with a girlfriend, we would be telling her how fabulous her body is and pointing out her “figure-pros”… you know what makes her body beautiful.

girls shopping

Image source

But when it comes to our own figures, we like to point out the “figure-negatives”…

To be completely honest, a while back I got tired of starting my day by bring myself down with focusing on my butt cellulite, my small boobs and my stomach “pooch”.

Who can walk with an air of confidence if within 10 minutes of waking up, they’re criticizing themselves?

Not me… and the more I obsessed over it, the less results I saw. And I was constantly reminded thanks to…

Hurtful Media


I used to read fitness magazines all the time, with images of women in barely there clothing, showing off their incredible physiques and flawless skin. Not a dimple or stretch mark to be seen.

I think that the magazines intend for these lovely ladies to serve as motivation, but to me they served as a reminder of the body I wanted but didn’t have. I adore Tyra Banks, but seeing her in the suite… I simply can’t compete.

And seriously, the workouts that fitness magazines posted that promised to shed “10 Pounds In 2 Weeks”… yea okay. The workouts were either crazy hard for me, as a beginner, or they were just plan old stupid. I finally decided to kick the habit and avoid the magazine wracks… plus it saved some cash (anyone else amazed at how expensive magazines are now?)

I remember reading this post from SarahFit a while back and laughing. I would love to see someone new to fitness try those exercises out in public. No thanks!

Then There Were The Fads. 

Books, videos, online programs and just one more false promise, along with all the magical pills promoted by Dr. Oz that would be the golden ticket to losing the cellulite and earning my 6-pack once and for all.

Have you ever been an exercise hopper? Jumping from one workout plan to another but never really giving anything a real chance to work because you don’t have a clear goal or plan of action? It’s easy to ask “Why isn’t this working? I’m exercising every day!” BECAUSE, it takes time, a plan and commitment.

I think I tried it all and again… nada.

Who was real and who was fake? Basically, I was searching for someone to make my results happen, someone who would make me love my body when I got naked each morning.

But no one was showing up at my door to take on the job! And no one is going to show up on your door step either. Even if an amazing personal trainer :) rings your doorbell, you aren’t going to magically love yourself more.


You’re Hired. 

Because when it comes down to it, you’re that person.


You can only be happy with your body when you decide to. When you stop stressing about all the “ughs” you have going on and start focusing on the “oh yeas” then you will not only begin to love yourself more but you’re going to actually start taking the real steps to see change.

Out went the magazines and in came learning how to design real workouts for myself. Workouts that I LOVED to do. Because seriously, if you hate the exercise program you’re doing now, how long will you continue doing it? Not long, I promise.

Creating A Lifestyle

Exercise alone doesn’t cut it. Dieting alone doesn’t cut it. Creating a body that you can stare at because you’re proud of it, takes making permenant changes. I can’t stress enough how much eating a healthy diet has affected me.


If you know your diet is on the not so great side, just try eating clean for the next 48-hours, and you’ll be amazed at now wonderful you feel! Energized, glowing, and perhaps even lighter (good-bye bloat). When you eat good, you feel good and when you feel good you want to continue eating better AND move more. Funny how it all works together.

Simply by looking at your life as healthy, you’ll begin to see an increase in confidence. You’re proud of yourself, and you should be. Before long you might even see yourself in the mirror and not even notice the cellulite, but instead notice your strong shoulders and toned calves.

I am 100% honest when I say this… living the life I do now, each morning I check myself out and tell myself at least 2 things I am loving… sometimes it’s my stomach, sometimes a clean complexion, and sometimes my butt. But I focus on the good things, not the bad things. Sure cellulite might still be around, but who cares. I’m a woman and I am proud of the body I’ve worked for.

And you should be too!

Taking Steps

Remember how I said you have to be your own head coach? Changes can’t happen unless you take the steps necessary. It starts of course with mindset, practice giving yourself compliments, each and every day!

But from there it takes action, remember the 4 D’s for success? Desire, Dedication, Discipline and Determination!

Workouts that you enjoy, workouts that actually deliver results and burn off calories while toning your figure simultaneously (it’s possible, I promise) that you can impliment not just once, but for an entire planned period.

It also takes tweaking your diet. Don’t be upset with the way your jeans fit if you just ate a sleeve of Thin Mints (it took a lot of discipline to say no to the cute little Girl Scouts at the store yesterday). And it’s time for some accountability and change.

It took me years to be able to stand in front of the mirror and love myself and to be proud of myself. Mindset is hard to change but it can with the right plan!


Taking a picture as uncute as this and sticking it up for the whole world to see = confidence!

The Right Plan Of Action? 

After I found direction with my own friendly-figure is when I became a trainer and started my boot camp in Charleston. The workouts that I found that worked for me… fun, fast, ever changing was something I wanted to share with other women.

I instantly loved the results that women were feeling and seeing and decided to create an online version.

Now, I know we talked about online fads, and they made it hard for me to share my program… it’s scary buying something new, especially online! That’s why my Body Fat Blasting Boot Camp program is now a part of my new “Pay What Fits” store:

fat blasting boot camp


Along with my Torched In 20 program:

torched in 20

I mentioned it the other day on Facebook but I think it deserves some extra time in the spot light. The PWF’s program is just what it sounds like… you can get the 8-week boot camp program (based from my local workouts) for what you want. Get it for $ 0, or if you want to support this idea you can pay.

I wish Starbucks would offer this!

Why am I doing this? 

Because I want you to stand in front of the mirror and love your body. To neglect what you don’t like and be proud of the curves, toned muscles and figure reflecting back.

And because I want to help as many women as possible with simple programs… no wondering if you can do it or how to do it. All of the Pay What Fit’s programs can be done, by you! I take my programs very seriously and your success is just as important.

Seriously, go check it out, you will not be disappointed! I know you’ll be excited and motivated to give it a go.

And once you get your copy, help spread the word! Tell friends, neighbors and co-workers! Real workouts for real women.

Now excuse me, I gotta go get ready for the day! Xoxo.

Leave a comment below telling me what your FAVORITE body part is! 

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