15 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Blog Post Spotlights

By admin

We’ve made it through another work week, I hope it wasn’t too rough. At least St. Patricks Day gives us a good reason to grab a green beer and chill out. lucky clovers

I’m running a local St Patricks Day 5K tomorrow morning with the Special Olympics, but other than that there will not be any green beer keggers… perhaps some green wine drinking though? Plans are still up in the air. Since Dan’s heritage is Irish (still wish they had kept the O so I could be O’Boyle), I’ll probably remake my stuffed cabbage or something?

Being that it’s Friday means it’s Friendly Friday, I want to share some great blog posts that I have come across over the past week. Check them out and if you love them as much as I do, leave some love on their blogs!

And as always, if you have a blog or a post/article that you came across please share it below in the comments. We’re all friends, and friends share good stuff!

Love Life Surf: Inversion Aversions

love life surf

Dan and I have made a vow to focus more on our mind and bodies with yoga. I have recently discussed my love for yoga and now I am learning to truly appreciate my yogi friends, Christine being one of them.

As an x-gymnast, I have no fear when it comes to flipping up into a headstand or handstand, but I understand a lot of people do! When I have my clients do moves like pike push-ups and donkey kicks, often times there are a good amount of women nervous that they will flip over.

Christine tackled her fear of inversions and gives out some great tips for achieving upside down success!

Skinny Runner: Relay Tips- How To Run WIthout Everyone Hating Your Face


On Wednesday I realized that the Palmetto70 was exactly a month away, so I had a mini “oh crap” moment trying to think about what I needed to do, get, and put together for team “Taylor’s Swifts”. You can imagine my delight when I headed over to SR’s blog and saw that she did an entire post on prepping for a relay race.

Even if you aren’t stuck in a car with half a dozen smelly runners, this is pretty funny and some great tips on how to stay unstinky!

Darwinian Fail: Resting Recovery And Rebuilding


Krysten is such a motivation and yesterday I was needing just that! Though I have gotten a lot of my energy back since quiting the Pegan Challenge, I am still moving slow. When I read this post on her training plain just a few months out from major heart surgery, I told myself to stop being a wimp and get going.

Krysten has a unique story that will make you say, “wow, if she can go through all of this, than I can at least get my workouts in and eat better.”

Six weeks out of surgery, and the girl is training for a triathalon?! My hero.

What posts/blogs do you want to spotlight? 

Who’s your hero?

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