22 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Sharing Great Posts I Found From Friends

By admin

It’s Friday! Which means that tomorrow, Erica and I destroy our wedding gowns. Holy moly! We still are not at our goal yet SO PLEASE help, even if that means simply sharing our Special Olympics page. If you are able to donate, $ 1-$ 5 can help us get closer to making this a success. You can visit the fundraising page by clicking HERE or the image below:

color me rad

Thanks to all of you who have supported us already. We are so grateful and I truly appreciate your help.

Other things I am appreciative of? Sunshine, my family, and awesome blog posts!

It’s Friendly Friday! If you are new to Lifting Revolution, Friendly Friday is where I share great blog posts from other fellow bloggers from the week.

But it’s more than that, it’s a portal for all of us. If you have a blog, please feel free to give a shot out below in the comments. Or if you also found a great post that we should read ASAP, share away.

Friendly Friday Top Posts Finds

kate moving forward

Kate Moving Forward: Show Up & Live With A Purpose

I always love inspirational, motivational posts. They are just as important as the ones that share workouts or give a healthy recipe… in fact, more important. If you’re not motivated then you sure as hell will not do the workouts that I (or someone else) puts up, right?

Kate talks about focusing on the why’s and the purpose to which you do things. She hits on a podcast with Jillian Michaels where she discusing showing up for workouts not just physically but mentally as well.

We all know that the mental aspects of working out, eating right, or following through with something is much harder than the actual doing.

Just check it out… no spoiler here.


pFit Blog: Workout Like A Dog: Sweat On All Fours

Anytime someone includes “sweat” in their blog post title, I get excited. I hate little “girly” workouts, when I workout, I want to WORKOUT. So when I saw this on Bonnie’s blog, clearly I had to give it a look.

This is a total body core and cardio workout that will have you a hot mess by the end. And the best part is that you get to stay on the ground. Trust me, that sounds a lot easier than it is.

Check it out, give it a go!


FitnessBaddies: 4 Mindgasms For Your Monday

This post is awesome! Victoria is a strength coach and trainer. She is a fitness badass and quite an inspiration. I love finding other fellow bloggers that love strength training as much as I do!

In this post, she hands out some weight training tips as well as some help keeping your progress going this week.

Mindgasmic indeed.


Cooking Stoned: 40-Inspiring Artichoke Recipes

I love love love artichokes and anytime I can figure out a way to incorporate them into a meal, gets me excited.

No, Cooking Stoned, isn’t about being stoned while cooking… but it is about Jerry Stone sharing some awesome vegetarian recipes!

I am going to use the baked artichoke recipe for inspiration with tonight’s meal! I’ll make sure to instagram.

Are you an artichoke lova’ or hater? 

Thanks for the great reads everyone!

Remember, if you have something to share, SHARE IT! We’re all friends! 

Happy Friday!

Whip Six Feed

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