01 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 28, 2013

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

The FDA just approved a new oral drug called Tecfidera to help treat multiple sclerosis. [LA Times] 

A new study from Japan found that more women get screened for breast and cervical cancers when they don’t have to fork over co-pays. Good thing these are now gratis under the ACA. Read Women’s Health’s interview with the Department of Health and Human Services to find out what else is covered by the reform. [Reuters]

Several libraries in Tuscon, AZ, now staff registered nurses to help visitors with health concerns—no library card required. [TODAY]

Adults text in traffic more than teens, according to the results of a new AT&T survey. Busted! [USA Today]

A high school biology teacher in Dietrich, Idaho, is being reprimanded for using the word “vagina” during his lesson on the reproductive system. His superiors are also unhappy that he was teaching about birth control and genital herpes. Um, is there a way to adequately explain sexual health without mentioning vaginas, birth control, and herpes? [MagicValley.com]

Working out brings on fewer benefits if you’re suffering from depression, according to a new study. Well that’s depressing. [LiveScience]

Doctors have discovered a way to identify obese people using a standard breath test. In related news, a scale also works. [TIME]

Some brand-new bacon-themed products just hit the market: There’s now sunscreen that smells like bacon and condoms that look and taste like it. Fingers crossed this is just a misguided April Fool’s Day joke. [Orlando Weekly]

Making money by fat-shaming Kim Kardashian—who is pregnant, not fat, by the way—is not cool, tabloids. Not cool. [The Daily Beast]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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