02 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Magic Mirrors At Your Gym: Why You Look Better At The Gym Then At Home

By admin

When I started working out at a gym, I used to wonder if they had some sort of distortion mirror system. For some reason, I always felt I looked better there than at my own home.

Seriously, I wondered if there was some conspiracy. Did they had mirrors that made me look more toned and fit than I really was so that I would continue to be a member?

I guess I was a bit paranoid…

Eventually, I just realized that during workouts I actually did look better than once I got home.

Have you ever wondered why? Why is it that you’re a bit more toned and confident during and right after a workout?

muscle pump

Why You’re Looking Extra Fine During & After A Workout

When strength training, working muscles require extra blood. It’s to supply them with oxygen and nutrients as well as to remove waste products which are created during a workout (lactic acid and carbon dioxide) in order to be able to continue working.

When this happens, the pooled blood result in that tight, toned look.

Here’s a fun fact: It’s believed that during training a muscle gets up to 4x more blood than normally… so of course it would appear bigger. They ARE bigger.

While that’s the science behind the muscle toning, there is one more element.

When you have a good workout, you sweat right? Blood flow is increased to the skin and with it you have a “rosy” complexion. It might not be a look you want to use to go straight out for a date, but you do look more alive and healthier. When you check yourself out when walking to the water fountain (we all do it), gives you a boost of confidence.

But back to the pump, because it is actually important for your results and improvement. There really is no better example than this man…

muscle pump arnold

A bit of an exaggerated example, but you see the pump for sure! {Source of image}.

Why Getting A Muscle Pump Is Important

That pump isn’t just a side affect to make you feel awesome when looking at your biceps, it actually is important for your long term results.

Waste Removal System: By helping to remove waste, the extra blood flow (pump) allows muscle recovery to happen faster so you can have a more intense workout and push yourself to new levels. Burn more calories and tone more muscles.

Stretch It Out: One of the elements that plays a part with toning is fascial stretching (tissue which surrounds the muscles), this happens when the muscle is pumped to be larger… it’s almost like a skin graft, it helps to stretch out the tissue so that it can grow and get more toned in the long run. Pretty cool?!

More blood flow = more capillaries: Muscles are very metabolically active and require a good blood flow. By working the muscles to the point of seeing a muscle pump, you’ll initiate capillary growth to take place (blood vessels will form) to help make it easier to feed the muscles. With the extra blood flow, more nutrients and oxygen will allow you to avoid plateaus.

How Long Do You Stayed “Extra” Toned After A Workout?

I think we can all agree that the pump never last long enough! But if you have an event going on is it possible to do a few exercises to look killer during that time?

It depends, for most women the affect will last about an hour. It’s not as if your arms or calves will deflate after that time, and chances are no one will even notice (except you).

I love hearing my husband talk about his pre-date workouts before going out in college. Remember, his “Date Night Arms Workout”? It’s a goodie… so good in fact, that we both have been guilty of dropping down to the ground to do a few sets of push-ups before slipping into our going out clothes.

It’s not like I’m doing a mile run or anything so my make-up doesn’t get ruined. I just go full our with push-ups (and maybe pull-ups) for 1-3 sets get the blood flowin’ the the muscles showin’.

-Have you ever noticed a difference in your body right after a workout? 

-Do you have any pre-event exercises? 

I also love doing calf raises and lunge walks!

It’s not too late to enter the Lack Lock Giveaway, click LACE LOCK to enter to win these awesome workout laces!

colors of lace locks

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