08 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: April 4, 2013

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Want to make the world a better place? Say cheese! Seeing smiles can help lower people’s tendencies toward violence and aggression, according to a new study. [TIME]

All 15 episodes of Arrested Development‘s fourth season will hit Netflix May 26. Funny, we feel a bad cold coming on about a month and a half from now… [AP]

The good news: Hillary Clinton is writing a memoir about her time with the State Department. The bad news: It won’t come out until June 2014 at the earliest. [USA Today]

That traffic jam you fumed over this morning could set you up for mental health problems down the road. Check out how to let things roll off your back. [Daily Mail]

Apparently, happy newlyweds are more likely to gain weight than dissatisfied ones. Here, five ways to beat love chub—no matter how head-over-heels you are. [Smithsonian]

Sorry, Charlie: Christopher Abbott, aka Marnie’s hot boyfriend Charlie, is leaving the cast of HBO’s Girls. [NY Post]

Men can now hire proposal planners to figure out how to pop the question for them—and it can cost up to $ 50,000. Call us old-fashioned, but isn’t it a bad sign if a guy can’t figure out a meaningful way to ask you to marry him on his own? [Fast Company]

Some restaurants in the U.S. have been adding guinea pigs to their menus. First the Double Down, and now this… [USA Today]

In completely unbelievable news, a high school in Georgia still holds racially segregated proms. At least the students there are trying to put an end to the degrading tradition. [Newser]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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