15 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Morning Yoga Moves For Lifters & Runners Alike

By admin

Last week I had several great opportunities to interview amazing people in Charleston. Remember how I got to hang out with the marines on their obstacle course?

Well, the very next morning, I needed to recover! And what better way than with some yoga?

I met with Beth, my favorite yoga teacher at my favorite yoga studio, Yoga House, for a crash course. She knows I am a weight lifter and a runner so she offered to show me (and you) some moves to help stretch out tight muscles and get the day started on the right foot.

Morning Yoga For Strength Training And Running

These moves are perfect first thing in the morning, to help promote blood flow (very nice for the am) and to help you and your muscles wake up.

Even just this little bit made a huge difference in the way I felt. As soon as we turned off the camera, I thanked her for my personal yoga workout. Just what I needed!

Don’t Start Off With 40-Lb Weights

Beth and I also talked about getting started with yoga. Just like I would never hand a new client a set of 40 pound weights and ask them to do squats, she would never have a newbie to yoga, start in a power class or hot yoga class. Just like all things fitness, it’s extremely important to keep in mind the need to progress. Like all of fitness, if you start with too much too soon, you’ll end up injured.

Let’s face it, who wants to take weeks or months off from working out because they pulled something in yoga?

Great classes, Beth said for beginners include: vinyasa, yin-yoga (my favorite). Don’t be afraid do say you’re a beginner! Embrace it and go with the flow… literally.

Yoga is something that I love, yet, I always push it to the side and never “get around” to practicing it. I know that is an excuse and my goal for the rest of the year is to get my tush into Beth more regularly.

Just like running 1x/month isn’t going to do much for endurance; or lifting weights, 1x/week isn’t going to do a ton.. doing yoga every 3 months definitely isn’t going to do squat for my body.

Thanks for reminding me Beth!

You can find out more about Beth here!

Bendy Brewski… Beer And Yoga Combined!

bendy brewski 

I knew I loved Beth when she told me about combining her two loves. She has partnered with Holy City Brew Co in Charleston to offer a yoga class at that brewery and follow it up with beer tastings. What a unique and awesome idea! I can not wait to go and try this out. It might be a class I can actually get Dan to come and try! The class Bendy Brewski happens every week, so if you’re in Charleston check out their Facebook page for updates! And if you want a partner, just let me know, because I will definitely be there soon.

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