17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Should I Worry About Cell Phone Radiation?

By admin

Name five adults you know who don’t have a cell phone. Not possible, right? We take owning them for granted—but there’s also continued concern about the potential health risks of cell phone radiation. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently opened an inquiry to determine if it should update its current policies and limits on exposure to cell phones’ radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.

A phone’s Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a measure of the amount of radiofrequency (RF) energy absorbed by the body when the phone is being used. The FCC’s current limit for public exposure is set at an SAR of 1.6 watts per kilogram, and all cell phone manufacturers have to comply. This standard has been in effect since 1996—long before cell phones became so pervasive. The FCC’s website states, “While the FCC has continuously monitored research and conferred with experts in this field, and is confident in its RF exposure guidelines and the soundness of the basis for its rules, it is a matter of good government to periodically reexamine regulations and their implementation.”

One thing that should make you say hmmm: Your cell phone manual contains a warning about a safe distance at which you should keep your phone from your body—and it’s usually a fraction of an inch. Who knew, right? And that’s the problem: Most of us hold our cell phones right up to our ear or against our leg in our pocket—potentially increasing the amount of RF energy that’s being delivered to our bodies to beyond the tested and touted amounts.

So what’s the general consensus of research on the dangers (or lack thereof) of cell phone radiation? That’s the thing: There really isn’t one. While some studies say cell phones don’t cause harm, others indicate that they do. For example, analyses of data from the large and multi-national Interphone study, published in 2010, drew mixed conclusions about whether long-term cell phone radiation exposure had any association with the risk of developing glioma, a type of brain tumor, and no causation was established.

In 2011, a group of 31 scientists from 14 countries met at the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to evaluate the health effects of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, such as the ones emitted by wireless communication devices. In the end, they classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” That means that, while not conclusive, the evidence was strong enough to say that there could be a risk. “The ‘possible’ means we can’t give assurance of safety because there is some signal of harm, and yet it’s not so definite,” says Jonathan Samet, MD, MS, director of the University of Southern California Institute for Global Health and chairman of the IARC working group.

But other researchers already say they feel certain that cell phones are a cause for concern: Henry Lai, PhD, a research professor in the University of Washington’s bioengineering department, has been studying radiation for more than three decades. He says that, while a causal relationship hasn’t been established yet, “the bottom line is that there is some evidence suggesting that they’re not safe—and this is something that we use everyday.”

No one’s entirely sure yet what the long-term effects are—cell phones haven’t been around long enough. (Some tumors, for example, can take upwards of three decades to develop.) Many of the studies also have flaws—for example, with self-reported data, people may not be able to remember how often they really used their cell phones. So unfortunately, the only clear consensus from experts is that more research needs to be done.

What it’s safe to assume: It’s going to take a while for experts to reach any sort of formal conclusion. For that reason, it’s probably best to be on the safe side and adjust your cell phone habits. Consider putting these four ways to reduce your exposure to radiation while using your cell into action.

The verdict: You don’t have to give up your cell phone, but it’s probably smart to make some habit tweaks—like investing in headphones and not sleeping with it next to your bed. When there’s this much on the line, it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry.


photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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