18 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

7 Ways to Make Meat Safer

By admin

Would you eat that turkey burger or grilled chicken if you knew it might be tainted with a souped-up version of salmonella or E. coli? Turns out, an alarming amount of store-bought meat is contaminated with antibiotic-resistant superbug bacteria, according to a new report released yesterday by The Environmental Working Group, a leader in environmental health research and advocacy.

Researchers analyzed data from the CDC, the FDA, and the USDA to evaluate the risks associated with buying meat from the supermarket. The scary results: They found evidence of contamination in 81 percent of ground turkey, 69 percent of pork chops, 55 percent of ground beef, and 39 percent of chicken breast, wings, and thighs.

Why the sudden rise of superbugs in supermarket meat? It’s not actually so sudden. The issue has been on the FDA’s radar since 1977, but studies have revealed an increasing number of superbugs in recent years and reignited the issue in the public’s eye. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, one of the major culprits is the increasing (and some say unnecessary) use of antibiotics in factory farming.

Nearly 80 percent of antibiotics produced in the U.S. are administered to food-producing animals, according to the Pew Charitable Trust’s Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming (farmers give livestock antibiotics to prevent disease in crowded conditions). That’s about 30 million pounds of antibiotics, compared to the approximately 7.7 million pounds that are given to humans each year. And while antibiotics in meat aren’t directly harmful to consumers, the routine use of antibiotics on animals can lead to the creation of antibiotic-resistant superbugs—a definite cause for concern, particularly if that bacteria finds its way to your plate.

Salmonella and campylobacter are some of the most common causes of food poisoning, and superbug versions are on the rise. According to a recent study by the FDA’s National Antimicrobial Monitoring System, 74 percent of the salmonella and 58 percent of the campylobacter detected in tainted food are resistant to antibiotics. Normal versions of these bacteria might cause diarrhea, but illness from untreatable salmonella can lead to arthritis, and campylobacter can trigger an autoimmune disease that results in paralysis, according to the CDC. Seriously scary stuff.

The CDC also estimates that nearly one in six Americans get food poisoning every year (that’s roughly 48 million people total). Of those, 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die from adverse effects. So what can you do to protect yourself? You don’t have to swear off meat altogether—just follow these seven steps.

Go organic
USDA guidelines prohibit organic farmers from treating animals with antibiotics or growth hormones, and a 2011 study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that this noticeably decreases the incidence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in certified organic meats.

Keep meat separate
Meat is most dangerous in its raw form—even at the grocery store, when it’s all wrapped up, says Dawn Underraga, MS, RD, the principle author of the EWG’s report. So when you’re in the meat aisle, bag anything you pick up separately before it goes in your cart. This will help to avoid contact with other food. In the kitchen, use a separate cutting board for raw meat to prevent cross-contamination with produce, and be sure to clean it thoroughly after every use.

Wash hands frequently
With raw meat, you should be washing your hands before and after handling to avoid spreading bacteria. This is particularly important to do before you go to the bathroom since studies show 16 percent of turkey is tainted with a superbug that can give you a urinary tract infection, says Underraga.

Store and thaw carefully
Chill meat in the fridge or freezer immediately after purchasing, instead of running extra errands after hitting the supermarket, suggests Underraga. Make sure your fridge and freezer are set to safe temperatures (40˚F or below and 0˚F or below, respectively) to prevent bacterial growth. In your refrigerator, store meat on the lowest shelf to keep any juices from dripping onto other foods, especially produce that may be eaten raw. Thaw meat in the fridge (ditto on the lowest shelf) or in cold water—never on the counter, where it is apt to foster bacterial growth.

Never wash meat
Splashing water from washing meat is a prime way to spread bacteria in the kitchen. In fact, the FDA recommends never washing meat because some bacteria cannot be removed no matter how many times you wash it and other bacteria can easily splash off onto surfaces in your kitchen.

Cook meat thoroughly
The good news is that cooking meat to the proper temperature will destroy any harmful bacteria. The FDA recommends that cooked meat reach a minimum of 165˚F for poultry, 160˚F for ground meats, and 145˚F for all whole cuts of meat. A kitchen thermometer is your best bet for ensuring your food reaches safe temps. Underraga also suggests allowing three minutes of “rest time” after removing meats from the grill, oven, or stove since the meat will continue to cook during this time, which helps kill bacteria.

Be extra-careful with ground meat
Ground meats, particularly ground turkey, are the most commonly contaminated because more surface area is exposed to contamination during processing. Make sure to be vigilant about storing and preparing ground meats separately from other foods to prevent cross-contamination. You’ll also want to cook it thoroughly so that bacteria doesn’t end up on your plate.

photo: Hemera/Thinkstock

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