20 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Strangers are Nicer Than You Think

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Well, this should help restore your faith in humanity: Almost half of people say they’d be very or somewhat likely to donate a kidney to a stranger in need, according to a new survey. [Mayo Clinic]

Someone finally invented a hospital gown that closes in the back. It’s about time! [TODAY]

The Portland Marathon (scheduled for October 6 in Oregon) is being dedicated to Boston—and celebrity trainer Becky Tinney is organizing a team to raise funds for the victims. [OregonLive.com]

Food poisoning from chicken and unpasteurized milk and cheese is on the rise. Here’s what you need to know. [NBC News]

Yup, hookah smoke is definitely toxic—at least as toxic as cigarette smoke. [UCSF]

Are you getting enough vitamin D? If not, you could face a higher risk for uterine fibroids. [NYT]

A Michigan high school covered up a rape to protect their star basketball player. Despicable. [NWLC]

Men who wear kilts have higher-quality sperm than those who prefer pants or shorts. Yeah, still not into it. [Mail Online]

Tomorrow is the Backstreet Boys’ 20th anniversary. #FeelingOld [The Frisky]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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