24 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Are You A Beautiful Badass? Nia Shanks Interview

By admin

Good morning! I am finally feeling like my old self again which brings a smile to my face and adds some pep to my step.nia shanks

While getting a bit more sleep might be to blame, I think it also has something to do with surrounding myself with amazing people that motivate and inspire me.

The lady I am getting ready to introduce is one of those people, in fact… she is more like a beautiful badass:

Nia Shanks

Nia Shanks is the strong lady behind the site NiaShanks.Com. She’s a strength and conditioning coach, youtuber, and an all around amazing woman to look up to.

And she is freakishly strong (see below)… but does she look like a she-beast? NO. Again, this just goes to show that strength training is nothing to fear but to be embraced.

-We had a blast talking about her training theories and how to help women push their fears out when it comes to exercising intense.

-We talk about her nutrition: intuitive eating and fasting

-Her biggest inspiration and fitness hero

-So much more!


Find out more about Nia at: NiaShanks.com and check out her videos on her Youtube Channel.

Here’s just one of her videos that makes me want to work harder and get stronger than ever. 325 Lb Deadlift… no problem!

Who inspires you? 

I am inspired each day by so many wonderful people. From my boot campers who give me everything they have for 60-minutes to my husband who will one day wake up and announce that he’s going to teach himself something like computer programing out of the blue and then does. I am inspired by you, my gorgeous readers who make me love sharing my knowledge and life with you.

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