25 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: A Shar-Pei Pup Needed a “Face-Lift”

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

One case of plastic surgery we can totally get behind: a two-year-old Shar-Pei puppy had a “face-lift” so that he could see, smell, and breath better. [ABC]

Not sure what’s more amazing—how much fun Lena Dunham looks like she was having at the Time 100 last night, or this GIF of her dancing with Christina Aguilera. [The Cut]

People across the U.S. have opened their wallets to help the Boston Marathon victims. [The Atlantic Wire]

Someone in Taiwan has contracted the first case of the new bird flu identified outside of China. [NPR]

Just in time for grilling season, an unfortunate new report finds that ground beef and chicken are the meats most likely to land you in the hospital. [AP]

People across the country wasted $ 418 billion dollars on prescription drugs last year. That’s almost half a trillion… [Medical Daily]

Mattell has retired the American Girls you know and love in favor of boring and usually upper-middle-class characters. We miss you, Samantha, Kirsten, and Molly. [The Atlantic]

This might be the most ridiculous (and hilarious) picture of Justin Bieber yet. [Vulture]

We may not have seen the last of former congressman Anthony Weiner’s sexy selfies: He’s copped to sexting “with multiple people.” [Daily Intelligencer]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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