07 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: It’s Melanoma Monday

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Just in time for Melanoma Monday—created to get the word out about preventing this deadly disease—the FDA is suggesting a crackdown on tanning beds. Learn more about the dangers of indoor baking[USA Today]

Proof that Kevin Spacey isn’t the slime ball he plays on House of Cards: The actor just adopted a rescue dog and named her Boston in honor of the city. So cute! [People]

Self-affirmations can help you become a better problem-solver when you’re stressed out. [ScienceDaily]

The bad Melanoma Monday news: One in six men don’t get skin cancer screenings because they’re afraid of what the derm will tell them. [UPI]

Omega-3s have a lot of awesome health benefits, but new research finds they won’t help prevent macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the U.S. [NYT]

If you live on the East Coast and bugs creep you out, you’d better get over that. The cicadas are coming—and they’re supposed to outnumber humans 600 to one! [The Atlantic Wire]

Couples say sex is better on the Ultimate Hybrid Mattress, according to a survey conducted by the company that makes the Ultimate Hybrid Mattress. [Marketwire]

A guy in Queens stole more than $ 150,000 of BluePrint juices. Guess he really wanted to cleanse… [The Daily Meal]

Turkish Airlines just announced that wearing red nail polish or lipstick is a fireable offense for flight attendants. [Reuters]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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