10 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Fridays: Aiming To Be Awesome

By admin


Did you have the opportunity to try out any of the 30 burpees yesterday? It might be a great mini-challenge for over the weekend.

Clearly, I love burpees, however this weekend I will be focusing on adding some pull-ups into my day. Remember how I mentioned the What’s Beautiful Campaign from Under Armour?

They ask you to set a goal and then through support and motivation you work towards accomplishing it. Pretty cool!

I decided to set two personal goals for myself:

1. Do 20 pull-ups, unassisted

2. Run a sub-22 minute 5K

And the only way to be successful is to sweat and put in the effort to get stronger and faster. Want to be awesome? You have to train to make it happen.

You can check out my athlete page here and join in too! It’s free, and with the opportunity to win a Costa Rica getaway, why not?

Friendly Friday

Being that it’s Friendly Friday, I have some notable posts for you that I found this week.

FF is where I share with you a few of my favorite reads and I encourage you to share either your own blog below or a favorite blog/post that you came across this past week as well.

groceries around the world

FStoppers.com: What A Week Of Groceries Looks Like Around The World

Interested to see how your weekly groceries compare to dozens of countries around the world? Who has the freshest looking foods, and who has the most pizza/soda/cookie filled foods covering their kitchens?

This was eye-opening and very interesting.

Anyone want to move to Poland or Turkey with me?


Niashanks.com: Train To Be Awesome

I’ve highlighted Nia here at LiftingRevolution in the past, because she is such a strong and passionate woman.

It’s hard to find other women that truly love lifting weights, heavy weights. So you might see me being friendly to her on Fridays from time to time!

Here she talks about setting out to accomplish something at every workout. No matter what your goal is: burn fat, get stronger, more toned, faster, etc… aim to make every workout count.

Train to be awesome.

the kind life

The Kind Life: 9 Delicious Ways To Use Nutritional Yeast

The Kind Life is Alicia Silverstone’s healthy living and vegan blog, and I love it!

In this post, she helps to clear up nutritional yeast. It’s a “cheesy” powder (deactivated yeast) that a lot of vegans use as a replacement, however I have had some issues using it to it’s full potential so I was thankful to find this.

I was also intrigued by what she had to say about it. I was lead to believe that this stuff was amazing for your body, apparently not.

cabbage salad

Cooking For Two: Chinese Cabbage Salad & Dressing

Stefanie makes cooking for a family of two so easy, and her recipes are declicious. They aren’t vegan, and they aren’t all “healthy” but they do all look amazing and clearly her passion shines through in each cooked-from-scratch meal.

I saw this Chinese salad recipe yesterday and have already added it to my meal plan for next week.

Any excuse to buy Ramen noodles!

Read it and I promise you will get an itch to want to workout asap.

What did you read this week that you loved? 

PS- I leave for Park City, Utah in exactly 1 week… if you’ve ever been I would LOVE LOVE LOVE some recommendations on where to go and local places to eat.

Whip Six Feed

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