11 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Being A Woman Can Stink Sometimes: Dealing With Body Image & Making Food Your Enemy

By admin

Last weekend, Amanda thought she was being invited for dinner. However, Dan and I had other plans for our young friend.


This picture cracks me up every time I look at it. I have no idea what was going on.

Once the wine was poured (for Dan and I), and our bellies were pleasantly full of pasta and stuffed grape leaves, we asked Amanda if she would like to be a guest on the What The Fitness Podcast.

I don’t think she had a clue what she was getting herself into by saying yes.

To be honest, Dan was shoved to the sidelines as Amanda and I tackled some extremely deep and serious issues that we both have faced in terms of:

  • Poor Body Image
  • Exercise addictions
  • Trying to live up to what we think people expect of us
  • And our history with unhealthy food relationships

Food is suppose to be enjoyed, something that brings us all together, and something that isn’t suppose to bring guilt, tears and depression. Yet, that’s exactly what it did to both of us (which I didn’t know we shared). So many women have been in our shoes and still are in our shoes so, to date this might be one of the most open, heartfelt and sincere podcast that I have done.

I won’t lie, I feel very vulnerable opening up, but I also feel that in my position, it’s my job to be so open. You and I are friends, and knowing me is knowing who I was. Right? The past formed me to be the trainer and woman I am now.

So with that, listen to this episode and take from it what you can. Which is a lot!

Thanks to Amanda for being so candid and truthful.

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