14 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Clothing Factories Are Getting Safer

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

H&M and Zara have both agreed to step up the safety standards at their factories in Bangladesh. [NYT]

At a recent hacking competition in Boston, the only female coder there took home Best in Show (she created a program that prevents TV spoilers from showing up on your Twitter feed). Did we mention she’s only 17? [Mother Jones]

Making an effort to view your problems in a positive light can help minimize anxiety, according to a new study. [EurekAlert]

Speaking of anxiety, “Pinterest stress” is now a thing: Almost half of moms say they suffer from it—and we’re guessing the condition isn’t limited to women with children. [TODAY.com]

In the 31 years between 1979 and 2010, deaths from neurological diseases jumped 92 percent among women, according to a new study. [Medical Daily]

If there were ever a time to adopt more Earth-friendly habits, it’s now: Carbon dioxide levels are now at their highest point ever in human history. See if your green IQ is up to snuff. [The Atlantic Wire]

Rumor has it that 7-year-old Suri Cruise is getting her own fashion line. No word on whether it will include heels for small children. [The Sun]

Chris Brown is scaring local children, thanks to the monsters he had painted on the outside of his Hollywood Hills home. [LA Times]

Whether or not you’re ovulating can influence which candidate you vote for on election day, according to a face palm-worthy new study. [Medical Daily]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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