20 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

THIS JUST IN: I’m Moving To Park City, Utah

By admin


It seems like so long ago since the last time I was able to sit down to my computer. To be honest, I’ve missed it terribly and am very excited to get home!

As Dan mentioned, I have been in Park City, Utah since Friday for the Blend retreat. I have had an absolutely wonderful time and I have so many pictures to go through once I get home.

I have fallen in love with the fresh air and snow capped mountains.

park city utah

As a southern lady, this is all new to me and I have “Ooo’d and Awww’d” more than I ever have in my life. It’s truly breath taking. As soon as I got into town and laid eyes on the landscape, I called Dan and asked him if he would grab some of our belongings and move up here with me.

Clearly, that’s not going to happen right now. But I would love to one day have a mountain house in this part of the country. Charleston and Park City are night and day, and I LOVE it.

I was afraid that the 8000 ft altitude would affect me, but surprisingly it wasn’t too tough and I even managed to have the most memorable run of my life with Bonnie, Bobbi, and Amanda.


Followed by an amazing hike with some other gorgeous and wonderful women, but I’ll have all those images posted later when I can get home and size them up!

I’ll be back in South Carolina tomorrow (Monday) night and Tuesday will be back to normal in terms of amazing blog posts.

I had the opportunity to talk with my friend Amanda from MissZippy on all things running, shoes and balancing training with a family. You’ll love it! Even if you’re not a runner.

But just so you know it hasn’t been all fun and games…

In all seriousness, I have worked out more this weekend than ever! a 9 mile run, a 4 mile hike (all within 3 hours), a boot camp and another hike. Am I tired? Yup, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

We even had time to do a podcast with some amazing bloggers! It will be posted up later this week.

I’ll post more later this week! The pictures say it all.

Whip Six Feed

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