25 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Hanson Made a Beer!

By admin

Courtesy of Mmmhops.com

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Just in time for Memorial day, the Hanson brothers debuted their new beer this week. It’s called—wait for it—Mmmhops. Genius! [People]

A 9-year-old went to the most recent McDonald’s shareholder meeting to lecture the fast-food chain’s CEO on healthy eating. Totally heart this girl. [USA Today]

Seven months after being devastated by Hurricane Sandy, the Jersey Shore has finally reopened. [Today.com]

Going for “healthy” foods might not be as beneficial as you think: You’re more likely to overeat with good-for-you foods than indulgent ones, finds new research. [Fox News]

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. is asking a federal appeals court for an exemption from the Affordable Care Act‘s birth control benefit. [Vitals]

Heartburn sufferers may face a higher risk of throat cancer, according to a new study. [WebMD]

A New Jersey restaurant served a customer rubbing alcohol instead of scotch. How does that even happen? [USA Today]

A new study finds that skydiving isn’t a relaxing experience. You think? [The Atlantic]

As if regular donuts weren’t hard enough to resist, cronuts—hybrid croissant-donuts—are the latest dessert trend. You’re killing us, Smalls! [Today.com]

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