01 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Men Are Getting Serious About Their Families

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

More dads are “leaning out” and prioritizing the life half of the work-life equation. [Bloomgberg Businessweek]

People who wear pedometers are more active. Check out our top picks. [Huffington Post]

A crop of food and beverage companies have increased the number of calories in the marketplace by 1.5 trillion since 2010. [MedicalDaily]

The American Heart Association is predicting that stroke costs will double by the year 2030. [TIME.com]

Slaves in Thailand may have caught the fish you’re eating. [USA Today]

Soup kitchen meals aren’t very healthy. [MedicalDaily]

Naked pregnant art is now a thing. Weird. [The Cut]

Five babies born in the U.S. last year were named Ikea … and that’s not even the worst of the awful baby names. Poor kids. [TODAY.com]

Jockey has created a new bra sizing system that involves shoving your girls into measuring cups to see what size they are. It probably helps you get a better fit…but we still can’t picture many people actually doing it. [Consumerist]

Photo: Photos.com/ThinkStock

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