05 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Learning To Rid Ugly Thoughts: What’s Beautiful About You?

By admin

When you look in the mirror what do you see? More appropriately, what do you think to yourself about the reflection looking back?

For many of us, we see the things we want to change. After all, women love to compare bodies and then dream about wanting to change.

– We want to change the way our hips look.

– Change our bra size

– Change the way our arm shakes when we jump up and down or wave good-bye.

Or it can be something that is so insignificant yet bothers the heck out of us. Like…

– Change the way our left earlobe hangs down a little lower than the right.

Am I right? 

The Biggest No-No That I Am Guilty Of

When I ran the race this past weekend, I was surrounded by some gorgeous athletes. Runners that appeared to be 5’9 with amazing abs and lean, long legs.

When I got home and headed into the bathroom for a shower. I took a quick look at myself and did the worst thing ever… I compared my body to theirs.

-My lack of ab definition had me yearning for their stomachs

-My short frame (people who see me on videos before meeting me in person always tell me they’re surprised by my height) made me wish for longer legs.

We focus so much on what we don’t like about our bodies that we forget to appreciate the things we do like.

If You Focus Your Thoughts On Your Unwanted Fat…
Then You’ll Stay Fat

I know I’ve said it time and time again, but mental thoughts are CRUCIAL for not only how we feel on the inside, but how we look on the outside.

Here’s what I mean.cellulite focus

If all you see when you look in the mirror is the cellulite on your butt cheeks and the love handles that bulge over your panties, then your brain will focus on those things.

The more you think about it, the harder it is to let go of them and before you know it, the love handles are bigger and the cellulite looks more like a sheet of packaging wrap than skin.

Bottom line: 

Negative emotions & thoughts yield negative outcomes. 

However… by changing things up (because we can change), and focusing more on the things we love about ourselves, we will naturally improve. You’ll feel better, you’ll feel sexier, more feminine and more confident.

Confidence yields something important.

Something huge… and without this on thing nothing will change and you’ll continue to feel bad about the person scowling back in the mirror each morning.

Confidence yields ACTION:

And action, of course, will lead to results

So how can you change?

By doing this one exercise, right now. And then repeating it every single day. Not every other day, not once a week or once a month… but every day. I think you get the point.

The “What’s Beautiful About Me” Challenge –

self love

Look in the mirror, and say out loud 10 things that you love about yourself.

And none of them can be character traits. The point is to be vain and give 10 things you love about your physical appearance.

If you’re like me, at first you’ll think “oh no problem, piece of cake.” But, then as you start checking yourself out, it might be hard to come up with 10 things.

As you do this challenge more and more, you’ll start to love yourself more and more. Before you know it, you’ll rattle off 20 things about yourself that makes you beautiful.

Why don’t I start this What’s Beautiful Challenge off?

10 Beautiful Things About Me

1. My eyes. They are big, blue and can’t keep a secret. If I love you, my eyes say so. If I don’t like you or you’re bothering me… they say that too.

2. My wrists. I have very small wrists. They appear dainty yet are able to support my weight (plus some) when exercising. Watches may not ever fit me properly, and I’ll never be able to wear a bracelet without it slipping off, but I love them. To me, they are the body part that represents me best: secretly strong and powerful!

3. My Legs. I don’t have too much to say about my legs, but I have always liked them in a pair of heels. Even when I was at my largest, my legs from the knees down, felt sexy.

4. My birthmark. I have a birthmark in my upper thigh, near my bikini line and I’ve just always liked it.

5. My hair. Yes, I am a natural blonde. No color here… in fact, I can’t find a hairdresser to color it because they always compliment it’s natural state.

love yourself

6. My shoulders. Strong, and petite. There is enough shape to them that when I wear sleeveless tops I feel fit.

7. My nose. Okay, so I have a love-hate relationship with my nose. It’s not small, but it’s makes me different. It’s been broken (more than once) and serves as a reminder of my fit childhood. I was a fit kid, why wouldn’t I want to be a fit adult?

8. My toes. Toes is a frequently talked about topic in our home because Dan has some strange (aka EXTRA long) toes. We compare our feet all the time and it’s the ongoing joke that I hope our kids will have my feet.

9. My belly button. Weird? I think my belly button is cute. It’s extra small, and extra deep. I can’t see the bottom of it, is this strange? When I wanted to get it pierced as a teenage, the piercer recommended I not do it because it’s so small and they weren’t sure there would be enough skin to actually pierce. I did it any ways.

10. Upper abs. I already announced that I don’t have a 6-pack. But my upper abs are pretty defined and give an upside down “V” appearance. I don’t mind these so much at all.

And now it’s your turn!

Please, Tell me one thing that you love about your body.

This post was inspired by Under Armour’s What’s Beautiful Challenge. Have you checked it out yet?


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