06 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How Much PDA is OK?

By admin

Taylor’s Swift’s recent performance at the Billboard Music Awards was awesome, but the move everyone’s talking about actually happened backstage: When Swift saw Selena Gomez kiss ex Justin Bieber’s cheek, the singer stuck out her tongue as if the sight left a sour taste in her mouth. (Check it out in GIF form here.)

Swift isn’t the only one with a low tolerance for mushiness. According to one report, Brangelina’s eight-year old daughter Zahara once asked Brad Pitt, “‘Daddy, you’re not going to start making out with Mommy again, are you?’” Awkward.

PDA backlash certainly seems to be trending right now—so we polled Men’s Health and Women’s Health Twitter followers to see which forms of it are cute and which ones are cringe-worthy. More than 500 people weighed in. Here’s what they had to say:


To make sure your PDA stays PG, keep these survey results in mind:

-The least offensive way to show your love in public is to hold your partner’s hand. A full 99.3 percent of the readers polled said they were totally fine with this.

-The most offensive form of PDA: kissing with tongue. Survey participants said making out in public is worse than touching your partners butt, thigh, or back in public!

-Even if PDA makes you cringe, don’t expect to escape it any time soon. Women’s Health and Men’s Health readers said they’ve witnessed PDA almost everywhere—with the one exception being the office.

photo: Blend Images/Thinkstock

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