06 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Bike-Sharing Programs Expanding

By admin

If you live near a major city, you’ve probably noticed something new around town: kiosks filled with lots of identical bicycles. Seven cities across the U.S. have added bike-sharing programs so far this year, and 20 more are scheduled to launch by the end of 2013, according to experts who maintain the Bike-Sharing World Map. A couple of notable ones: New York City’s Citi Bikes, which made 4,000 bicycles available at 275 docking stations on Memorial Day, and Chicago’s Divvy program, which is scheduled to open 400 stations with 4,000 total bikes later this month. (Check out the progress on bike-share programs near your hometown on this map.)

Bike-share programs, which have been super successful in Europe and U.S. cities such as Washington, D.C., and Boston, have been around for years. But recently, major improvements in locking systems and bike station designs have made bike-sharing more feasible for cities that want to reduce car traffic and pollution and improve their public transportation systems, says Dani Simons, director of marketing and external affairs at NYC Bike Share, the company that operates the NYC Citi Bikes.

Here’s how it generally works: For a small price (typically less than $ 10 for a 24-hour pass) or an annual membership free (usually less than $ 100, depending on the city), participants can borrow a bicycle from any station, ride for 30- to 45-minute increments, and return it to any other station they’d like (or the same one if they prefer).

Can’t remember the last time you rode a bike that wasn’t in a cycling studio? That’s OK. Share bikes might look clunky, but they’re actually pretty user-friendly, says Rich Conroy, bicycle education program director at Bike New York, a cycling safety and education group in New York City. Citi Bikes, for instance, have really responsive brakes, come equipped with a bell and lights, and even have a chain guard, which means your pants won’t get caught in the gears while you ride.

Ready to pedal? Keep Conroy’s basic safety tips in mind when you hit the road:

Get a helmet that you like (so you’ll be more likely to wear it)
Unfortunately, bike-share programs don’t include helmets, so you should bring your own. Buy one that’s certified by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and make sure the fit is snug but comfortable. To test it, buckle the chinstrap so you can fit one or two fingers between the strap and your chin, and shake your head to see if the helmet wiggles (it shouldn’t). Can’t find a helmet you’re into? Check out these cuter options.

Adjust the seat
Most shared bikes are one-size-fits-all, but you can adjust the seat height for a more comfortable—and safer—ride. Just get off the bike and release the lever below the saddle. Then position the seat so that when you close the lever, get back on the bike, and are at the bottom of a pedal stroke, your knee is slightly bent (not locked). You might need to hop on and off the bike a few times to get it right. When you’re sitting on a bike that fits, you should be able to touch the ground only with your tiptoes.

Stick to bike lanes
Use Google to find a bike map of your city, and choose routes with bike lanes wherever you can. Not possible? Take the roads with the least congestion and the lowest speed limits.

Follow the rules of the road
Breaking traffic laws is like asking for broken bones: When you ride against traffic, run a red light, or steer down a sidewalk, you increase your risk of crashing, says Conroy.

Use turn signals

Use hand signals to let bikers and drivers know when you’re ready to turn. For left-hand turns, stretch your left arm straight out to the left. To turn right, either put your right arm straight out to the right, or hold your left arm out to the left and raise your hand upward so your elbow forms a 90-degree angle. To signal when you want to stop, hold your left arm out to the left and let your hand and forearm drop down so your elbow forms a 90-degree angle.

Shift gears

Most share bikes have three speeds: The easiest gear with the least resistance is “1.” When you stop at a stop sign or a red light, shift to “1” to get the bike rolling quickly when you take off again. Use gears “2” and “3” to add resistance and keep your pedals from spinning out of control when you’re going faster—especially when you’re riding downhill.

Pay attention

You’ll want to be on the lookout for potholes, pedestrians, cars, and other bikers—which means keeping your eyes and ears focused on the road. Definitely don’t text, talk on the phone, or even listen to music while you ride.

Beware of parked cars

To prevent being “doored” (i.e., colliding with a car door someone’s opening), keep a four-foot buffer between you and any parked vehicles. And if you must cozy up to a car? Use your bell (most share bikes have them) to let the driver know you’re about to pass.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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