12 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

10 Ways To Feel Like You Can Accomplish Anything

By admin


Self doubt… it’s an ugly thing monster, isn’t it? Too many times the people that hold us back from accomplishing what we want, is ourselves.

I’ve been there, you’ve been there… even the most successful women in the world have been struck with that sickening feeling.

You know, the one that makes us wonder: Can I do this? 

Well, yes you can! And the first thing to make it happen is to feel like you accomplish whatever the heck you want.

How To Feel Like You Can Accomplish Anything

1. Set your own standards.

Feeling accomplished or invincible is about being in control. Forget about what others expect from you and make the best goals for yourself. This might mean you start small but as you accomplish one goal after another, they will get bigger and bigger.

You’ll feel on top of the world knowing that you’re in control of your successes… and that feeling will make you feel unstoppable. Want to be the next president? Why not!?

feel great and look the part

2. Look the part. 

Have a killer workout on the schedule for today? Your first race on the calendar? Or perhaps a huge presentation for work? Dress the part! Your outfit not only is the first impression others will have of you but it is the fastest confidence booster.

Put on your best workout outfit, forgo oversized t-shirts or old wholly shorts. Grab an outfit that makes you smile. The same for work: go with the “power” suite… the outfit that when on, you feel indestructible. The outfit that makes you think you look like the boss!

3. Prepare.

When I was in college, every time I was nervous about a test or project, I would call my mom and here this question: “Have you done everything you can to accomplish what it is you’re going after?”

If you have then as my mom used to say, everything else is out of your control. You’ve done your best, you’re prepared so feel accomplished knowing that!

That takes me to…

4. Why wouldn’t you accomplish your goal?

This is not the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to put yourself down and say things like “I’m not strong enough, fast enough, pretty enough, smart enough… etc”.

This is the time to tell yourself why you freaking rock and why you are not only going to accomplish the goal, you will squash it! You are strong enough, fast enough, pretty enough and of course smart enough.

prep rally

5. Have a prep rally.

You can conjure up all the confidence in the world, but let’s face it when other people are cheering us on, we feel unstoppable. Am I right?

So, get your spouse or your best friend to get you a pep talk. Tell you how amazing you are and how freaking great you’ve done up to this point. Just a single compliment or pick-me up will do wonders. Need someone on your side? Email me, I’m always open for pep-team!

6. Imagine success.

We like to dwell on the negatives: What happens if I don’t complete this? What happens if I fail.

Push those terrible thoughts out of your brain and instead think about how it will feel when you’re done and you have succeeded! Imagine the entire event from start to finish with the end result being what you want. Be as detailed as possible in your thoughts.

This is what Michael Phelps does before every race, and it clearly works for him.

7. Warm-up.

Get some blood flow going through out your body! Increase your energy levels and get excited. Jump around, literally.

Do a few push-ups, some squats, whatever you fancy to get your body fully awake and ready. Then look at yourself in the mirror, point a finger and say “I’ve got this!”


8. Who’s a badass?

Ask yourself that question and answer back… I AM! It works best if you do it 3-5 times and with full conviction.

Don’t hold back.

Go full out Jerry Maguire… “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” – style.

9. Don’t put yourself in the corner.

To accomplish anything you have to forget about putting others ahead of you. Whatever your goal is, you’re number 1… uno. Don’t worry about what “so-n-so” will think or if Susie-q will be jealous if you get the new position.

Who cares, don’t let others hold you back. It’s okay to be selfish. You have to be to get forward in life from time to time.

Don’t put Baby in the corner, deal?

10. Do something completely spontaneous and out there. 

The sky is the limit! Always wanted to go sky diving? Do it! How about scuba diving? A spontaneous weekend trip? Whatever sparks your fancy. Doing something outrageous could spark some other goals and aspirations. Who knows, remember one door opens… another one does too! :)

I am always trying to use this tip more often in my own life. Mrs. Spontaneity, I am not. But I want to be!


What about you? What makes you feel like you can accomplish anything? 

For me, I feel like I am on top of the world and ready to tackle it each time my clients thank me for a good workout. Or when Dan gives me a hug simply because (it’s the small things). Or when I finish a workout that I thought I wasn’t going to be able to do.

Your turn:

I feel like I can accomplish anything when __________________

Oh, and don’t forget about the Aquaphor giveaway from yesterday’s post! Your chance for a huge bundle including: Aquaphor products, camelback water bottle and a $ 50 Visa card! Check it out HERE.

Source of Laird photo: www.runonorganic.com

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