15 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Research Says You Should Call In Sick

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Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

A new study gives you added incentive to actually take those paid sick days when you’re feeling under the weather: It can help prevent flu outbreaks. [Salon]

Good news if you have exercise-induced asthma: Vitamin C  could help alleviate your symptoms. [Deccan Chronicle]

Jennifer Aniston and the stylist behind her amazing Rachel cut are teaming up to create a new haircare line. Why did this take so long to happen? [Vanity Fair]

Most people think Father’s Day doesn’t get as much attention as Mother’s Day, according to a new survey. Show Dad some (last-minute) love by heading to the store for one of these awesome gifts. [USA Today]

In the latest scary health news, medical devices can (and do) become infected by malware. [Newser]

Fitness trackers may help motivate you to move, but they aren’t terribly accurate. [NYT]

TLC is hosting a “Watch ‘n Sniff” event with scent cards for the season premiere of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo on July 17. Because who doesn’t want to know exactly what sketti (noodles with ketchup and butter) and Glitzy (the family’s pet pig) smell like? [Jezebel]

A University California Davis researcher is claiming that there’s no truth to the notion of beer bellies. Sorry, but anecdotal evidence would suggest otherwise. [Medical Daily]

In another dubious study, evolutionary psychologists say men are the reason menopause exists (because they chased after younger women, so older women didn’t need to be fertile). Right… [io9]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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