20 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

11 Reasons Why Your Life Is Awesome Right This Second

By admin


Here’s a confession: I am in a really uncomfortable time in my life.

Have you every felt like you work, and work, and work yet the results just aren’t showing the way you want?

They aren’t reflecting that hard work? And you’re not at the place you thought you would  be?

It sucks.

Dan and I are working our butts off to grow the boot camp, the blog, the online training studio and yet sometimes I find myself wondering…

“Why are we working so hard?”

“When is it all going to pay off?”

I want so much out of my business: I want it to grow and I want to wake up one morning stress-free knowing that we’ve accomplished what we’ve set out to do.

That hasn’t happened yet.

Instead, I wake up every morning stressed out wondering what I can do today to grow each part of our business.

What can I do so that we don’t have to worry about going back into the work force, so both of us can feel 100% secure and proud of the businesses before us?

So what we can rest assured that we can provide not only for us but for a family.

I know a lot of work still lays a head, and too often I wake up and say things like:

  • I just want…
  • We just need to…
  • I only wish that…

What does any of this do? Nothing, except make me want to throw a pity party for myself.

But you know what?

Even with all the anxiety and uncertainty that comes from trying to start and build a business… I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Because I know my life is pretty awesome. 

And so is yours. Want proof?

Sometimes putting everything into perspective helps. Which is why this post, while meant to highlight why we are all so blessed, feels very personal.

11 Reasons Why Your Life Is Already Awesome

1. You know me and are able to reap the benefits of this blog.

Do I really need to say more? :)  I thought this was a fun way to get started on such a deep convo.

You’re awesome because you surround yourself with awesome people.

What’s the saying… “Birds of a feather stick together.”

Awesomeness only breeds more awesomeness. So thank all those people that you are thankful for on a daily basis.

**Thank you with all my heart for reading Lifting Revolution, it truly means the world to me.**

2. You woke up, didn’t you?wake-up

Each day is a day to be thankful for.

Some aren’t as fortunate. I truly believe that waking up to my alarm clock at 5am is a gift, not an expectation.

Remember that the next time you wake up on the wrong side of the bed… who cares what side you work up on, you woke up!

(Image source)

3. You have the choice to do whatever you want.

We live in a country where you can make your own decisions (lets leave politics out for right now). You don’t have to go to work each day, you don’t have to workout, you don’t have to eat healthy (most people don’t)… but you get to make a conscious decision every single day for every single action you take, or don’t take.

That’s pretty awesome.


Of course there might be consequences, but that’s life.

I made the choice to leave a well paying job and to forge out on my own. The consequences? Anxiety, pressure, uncertainty, and lack of stability. But I made that decision for myself and wouldn’t go back….

I will not give up.

4. You have luxuries other don’t.

No matter how many things you want in life, you already have more than a lot of other people. You’re reading this on a computer/ipad/smartphone right? Those are luxury items, not necessities.

And I am willing to bet you have a lot more than just this one single device.

I am typing this on my Mac, with my Macbook, iPad and iPhone all within eyesight.

It’s almost disgusting but my life is pretty awesome to allow me to have all my tools (all of which I use).

5. You can move! 

charleston sunrise

How awesome is it that when you are stressed, anxious or just feel a need to move and sweat that you can.

Every time I go for a run or walk into the gym I am thankful that my body allows me to do all the things it does. I truly look at my lifestyle as a gift which is why I want to be able to share it with everyone.

There are tons and tons of people that for whatever reason (disease, disabilities, etc) can’t lace up running shoes or perform push-ups.

6. You’re better off than a lot of other people.

There is food in the fridge and the pantry. And if not, then a quick trip to Starbucks can happen with the turn of a car key.

When hunger hits, it gets satisfied.

Instead of too little food being on a plate, we deal with too much food. Food that gets tossed out or put into the disposer without a second thought.

7. You get to experience this every morning 

charleston sunrise

I can’t put into words how I feel each time I watch the sunrise.

It’s one of the very few times that I forget about being selfish and I realize that this is a bit world, and I am just a tiny minnow.

This is an amazing world, and it’s pretty awesome that you and I get to experience it. Because let’s face it, on the path we’re going… how many generations will be able to experience the pureness of it all?

8. And this every night



Want to know a secret? I still make wishes on the first star I see tonight.

I might also still whisper to myself:

“Star light, star bright first star I see tonight….” until I get to the part where I get to make said wish.

9. You can communicate with your loved ones within a split second.

Could you imagine not being able to talk with your best friend, husband, kids, parents, etc at any given moment?

Look how blessed we are! No matter how many miles lie between you, with the push of a button, you can be face to face with them.

I couldn’t help but think about this on Father’s Day while Dan did Facetime with his dad so they could watch a bit of golf together.

10. People love you.


This is probably the greatest gift of all and the real reason why my own life is awesome.

I know that I matter, I know that I am loved, and I know that people are standing in my corner wanting to see us succeed.

When I am having an off-day (like today), I have a phone full of people that I can call to receive an instant pep-talk.

I have a husband who respects me, thinks that I am gorgeous and truly supports each decision I make.

And I am sure that you have some amazing people in your own life. Make sure to tell them you love them every chance you get.

11. You don’t NEED anything.

As I was loading a truck tire AND logs into my little Mazda 3 today, I kept thinking how great it would be to have an SUV. Everyone else seems to have one, why don’t I?

But I don’t NEED an SUV, I just need something that gets me from point A to point B.

The only things that we truly need include: food, shelter and love… and we have that.

It might not be my dream home, but my condo allows us to focus on our business more. No outrageous mortgage, no yard work and it doesn’t take me days to clean.

Because right now, all I need is time to focus and continue working towards our goals.

Which I have.

Okay, so…

Life is pretty awesome right this second. 

What is one thing that makes your life awesome? 


Whip Six Feed

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