22 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Mineral That Keeps Your Heart Healthy

By admin

You know you need to get your fiber and vitamin C fixes, but there’s one nutrient that may not be on your radar, even though it should be: magnesium. A daily dose of magnesium could lower your risk of coronary heart disease, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Researchers analyzed information from 313,041 patients across the U.S. and Europe to determine the relationship between magnesium levels and heart health. They focused on the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD), fatal coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease (CVD). CHD refers specifically to the build-up of plaque in your arteries, while CVD refers to a broader category of diseases that affect the heart and vessels, including those in the kidneys.

Turns out, patients who took in 200 mg of magnesium a day lowered their risk of CHD by 22 percent. The risk of CVD, however, didn’t appear to be impacted by increased magnesium intake.

Magnesium improves heart health by regulating the endothelium, a thin layer of cells that helps control the dilation of blood vessels. If the endothelium doesn’t receive enough magnesium, blood vessels constrict, which can cause blood flow to slow or stop. Unfortunately, the researchers found that most women don’t get enough magnesium. The women in the study consumed only 261 mg of magnesium per day on average, but the Recommended Daily Allowance is 320 mg.

So, how can you up your intake? Don’t reach for a pill to make up the difference. Nearly all of the magnesium that the study participants consumed came from food rather than supplements, so it’s unclear whether supplements would have the same effects, says lead study author Liana C. Del Gobbo, PhD, a researcher at the Harvard University School of Public Health in the Department of Epidemiology.

Instead, try incorporating more magnesium-rich foods into your diet. Whole grains, vegetables (particularly dark, leafy greens), nuts and seeds (especially almonds and pumpkin seeds), legumes, and dark chocolate are all high in the mineral.

Need some inspiration for how to work more of these ingredients into your meals? Try one (or more) of these recipes:

Spinach-Stuffed Tomato

Photo: John Kernick

Avocado with Black-Bean Salad

Photo: Mitch Mandel

Tailgate Party Nut Mix

Photo: Mitch Mandel

Wilted Spinach Salad with Steak and Pasta

Photo: Catherine Sears

Broccoli-Peanut Salad

Photo: Kana Okada

photo (top): iStockphoto/Thinkstock

More from Women’s Health:
What Your Food Cravings Say About Your Health
Coronary Artery Disease
Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Have a Healthy Heart

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