25 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

What You Need To Know Before Starting A Juice Cleanse

By admin

Two weeks ago, I posted this up on Instagram (Are you following me?):

blueprint cleanse

Immediately, I had people asking questions not only about juice cleanses in general, but wondering why the heck would I want to do a 3-day juice cleanse?

-I don’t need to lose weight

-I eat mostly clean 

-I’m a healthy person

Why then, would I subject myself to enjoying nothing but 6 bottles of liquid each day for 3 full days?

That’s 72 hours without food.

Was I crazy? I think that’s what most people were curious to know.

Why would I do a juice cleanse?

Reason #1: For you. Seriously.

I get so many questions regarding juice cleanses.

– Can they help shed weight? 

– What’s a good brand? 

– Are they good for you? 

– Can they help get rid of sugar cravings? 

– Will they help to “clean” out your insides? 

– Who shouldn’t do a cleanse? 

– Why would anyone want to do a juice diet?

– Should anyone not do a cleanse? 

The list goes on and on but you get the idea.

Reason #2: I wanted to experience a good cleanse for myself.

How could I ever say ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ to something if I haven’t tried it?

I did a 3-day juice cleanse about a year ago, but to be honest it wasn’t the best experience. The total caloric intake was under 600 calories/day and in my line of work it’s not possible to just sit in a chair all day and not burn off calories.

To say I was hungry would be an understatement.

I was hangry and I gave up before the cleanse was over.

So it was a failed experiment. I wasn’t sold on the idea, but I wasn’t put off either. I was open to trying something different.

Plus, I have been having a lot of sugar cravings as of late. If juicing did what it was suppose to, I should be able to cut back on the sugar after it was over. 3 days of juice is worth saying bye to junk food cravings.

Welcome BluePrint

blueprint juices

When I was at the Blend Retreat, Blueprint was there promoting their green juices. I enjoyed them with my breakfasts each morning and was excited when I learned more about their cleanse options.

Even more exciting was that I was able to talk with one of the representatives. Ever since I started doing interviews for the podcast, interviewing a juicing expert had been on my to-do list. It’s too popular not to!

When I got home, I reached out to the company asking if I could interview one of their registered nutritionists.

I wanted to have the freedom to ask all the questions above plus some. To find out the real truth about juicing.

I know for me, I was wondering if it was just the new fitness fad… I wanted to get the truth: Is juicing really as great as everyone makes them out to be?

They agreed, and agreed to let me test their cleanse myself.

How could I fully get an understanding for a juice cleanse without having done it?

Good point.

blueprint cleanse

And that brings me to the package above… my Renovation Cleanse.

18 juices to be consumed over the course of 3 days.

And what’s more… the daily calorie intake was over 1100! Still low, but doable.

How did I like it? 

Well, listen in to the interview I did with Julie, their RD.

The Good, The Bad And The Why’s Of Juice Cleanses

Julie was so kind and I loved that she didn’t hold anything back. Her honesty for answering each question put me to ease.

She wasn’t just trying to sell the brand. And I really appreciated that.

Will I Do Another? 

I will say that I actually kind of enjoyed it. I love juices (they all included fruit so they weren’t too bitter), and am 100% into the idea of incorporating them more into my daily diet.

I know what you’re wondering…

What results did I see? 

  • I did lose 3 pounds over the 3 days.
  • I felt extremely hydrated and actually craved water more when it was over
  • I have been craving nothing but fruit for 2 weeks now. So much so on instagram I have signed up for FAA (Fruit Addicts Anonymous)
  • I personally did clean out my system (TMI?)

What negative side effects did I experience? 

  • Reintroducing food back to my diet. UPSET STOMACH from chia seeds
  • Watching Dan eat meals while I sipped on juice
  • I peed… a lot

That’s it… I was never starving and in fact, I loved the juices so much, I’ve been trying to make them at home in the Vitamix. Still working on it though.

I don’t know if I’ll make them my complete diet for 3 days straight, but a great juice compliments any meal or snack to give a huge nutritious boost to the day.

But never say never… right?

Thanks again to Julie and the BluePrint team for their time.

I hope I got your questions answered… and if not, what else would you like to know?

I’ll be happy to find out!

Q: Have you ever done a juice cleanse? Do you have an interest in doing one?

If you would like more on Blueprint Cleanse:

*I was not compensated for this post. I reached out to Blueprint Cleanse in order gain a better understanding for the theories behind juicing. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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