26 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

What Can You Accomplish In 3 Months?

By admin

Well, that is if you actually try to accomplish something. Otherwise in 3 months you could end up right where you are now. Ugh.

– Do you ever grow tired of wanting immediate results? 

It’s the age we live in, we want instant gratification. With our ’1-2-3 Got It’ lifestyle, we expect everything to happen at internet speeds…

Well, when the internet is actually working – Don’t you just L-O-V-E Comcast :(

Too bad life doesn’t work that way. But it can be exhausting trying to make it happen regardless.

– Are you ever frustrated because you set a goal but after a single week, you feel like your efforts aren’t paying off? 

– Or are you ever mad at yourself because you keep saying, Monday I’m going to start ______________? 

Personally, I have experienced all 3 feelings: Exhaustion, Frustration and even Anger.

All at myself. Try as I may, the only person to blame is myself. 

Take A Breath (Or Two Or Three)

breath deep

During boot camps, I say over and over again:

Take deep breaths. Focus on your breathing to control your heart rate. Don’t forget to breath.

All three of those comments will make their way into my class every. single. workout.

Well, now it’s time to apply those comments away from the sweaty gym floor.

To apply them to setting goals and deciding what to tackle next.

You following?

I love making mini goals, but we shouldn’t rely on those to make us feel accomplished.

Mini goals such as working out 3 days this week, or dropping 1-2 pounds are great but doesn’t yield much on going motivation.

Instead, take a deep breath. Toss out the idea that you need results RIGHT NOW and ask youself the following:

“What Can I Accomplish Over The Next 3 Months?” 

The answer…

A lot.

But of course that’s not the answer I am looking for and definititely not the response I’ll be giving.

To me, 3 months is the perfect deadline for goal setting, it’s long enough to accomplish freaking awesome things but not too long where you feel burnt out.

Plus, that puts you at the end of September… just in time for the fall.

Just enough time for you to say that you didn’t waste the summer, and you let the late nightfalls and early sunrises work their magic.

You can make the most out of your day. Starting July 1st.

never give up

“The ‘Now’s The Time’ 3 Month Challenge”

Kicking off on July 1st – sure we could start tomorrow, but with the 1st just a week away, it gives plenty of time to put some real thought into this – I will begin really focusing on 2 goals.

Just two, because 1 is wimpy and 3 is overwhelming.

Two goals that I know may take longer than a week to accomplish. 

Two goals that I am excited to work towards. 

Two goals that I will not give up on after a single week of trying. 

Two goals that I am going to hold myself accountable to by sharing them with you...

And guess what…

I want you to participate with me.

It’s about living day by day. Part of making each day exciting is having something to work for.

If we didn’t have goals and dreams… what would we do with ourselves all day long?

I guess play video games so long that implants started popping.

No thanks…

The Rules

The rules are, there really aren’t any rules.

– I encourage you to choose 2 goals and share them below.

– They can be fitness oriented, work oriented, family oriented. Whatever.

– But it has to be something measurable and something that you’ve wanted to achieve for some time. Otherwise, you’ll likely lose motivation after day 1.

No failures allowed this time!


1. Share your goals below in the comments.

2. Each week, at the bottom of Wednesday’s post, I’ll quickly update on how my own goals are going and I ask you to do the same.

3. I’ll also post up on the Facebook page and share some of my goal tactics there and on Instagram.

If you want to share as well, use the hashtag #nowisthetime

Fun, right? 

What Can I Accomplish In 3 Months?

now the time

I think I am ready to share my goals with you.

One is fitness oriented the other is work.

But both are going to take time, drive, and commitment. Which is why I am so passionate about sharing them.

  • Complete 7 Turkish Get-Ups/Side with my 35-Lb kettlebell. Right now, I can not do a single one. Here’s a video demonstration.
  • Grow Fit Women’s Weekly membership to be over xxx members (this I am keeping between me and Dan, I am sure you understand).

And now it’s your turn… what are your goals?

Don’t hold back.

What can you accomplish between July 1st – October 1st? 

Help Spread The Challenge: 

Ready for The I Rock My Socks Off Challenge?

Yea you are!

Let’s get this challenge really rockin’… if you’re all about it then share it with the Share Buttons on the left side of the screen.

Let’s get as many amazing women as possible to aim for some big goals and accomplish amazing things.

Life is short… summer is shorter. Don’t let the summer pass you by and leave you feeling disappointed that you didn’t do what you wanted!

I’m right there with you.

Whip Six Feed

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