28 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friday Fat Attack: My 4 Favorite Total Body Workouts This Week

By admin

Whoop whoop, we’ve made it to Friday!

But before we kick start the weekend off with a big chilled glass of sauvignon blanc (it’s happy hour somewhere), I want to reflect over the past 5 days in regards to my workouts.

So below you’ll find my favorite 4 from this week: 

The Hope Floats Workout (from my boot camp)

The Super Freakish Speed Workout

And 2 workouts that we tested from Marianne Kane

1. Hope Floats Boot Camp Workout

I had a lot of fun with my boot campers with this one! It’s a high rep workout, but you can divide it up any way you want.

But you have to go in order of the exercises.

Once you complete one of the exercises, mark it off and keep going (of course then you can skip over it).

rep challenge workout

I handed each lady a scrap sheet of paper to keep track of their progress.

2. The Super Freak(ish) Speed Workout

Katie and I woke up before the butt crack of dawn (that’s really early) to get to the track before the sun go to hot. We were running freaks… up and out the door before the clock struck 6.

It was a great speed work session and definitely worth the early wake up to beat the heat.

This is a Yasso 800s track workout.

yasso 800s

For us, our warm-up and cool down is about 1.25 miles (the distance from the house to the track) and then we kept our 800s under 3.5 minutes. And no… I’m not training for a marathon!


The Kettlebell Queen’s Contribution

While Dan and I design about 90% of our own workouts, sometimes it’s fun to try other peoples. And it’s nice to not have to sit down before heading to the gym to come up with a workout plan.

Since I have a planned interview with “the kettlebell queen”, Marianne Kane (can’t wait for this), I thought it would be not only appropriate but necessary to try a few of her workouts.

So that’s exactly what Dan and I did. Wowza, we were sweaty, panting and tired freaks at the end.

I always love when people ask us if we’re “training for anything” simply because of the intensity of our workouts.

Can’t we just workout at intense levels because that’s what we do?


Here are the two workouts we did from Marianne. You can click on the link below each to see her site and the videos.

Both are pretty advanced, and designed for kettlebells. So if you’re not that into kettlebell training than check out my programs to the right hand side (shameless plug!).

3. Remember The Love 500 Rep Kettlebell Challenge

500 rep kettlebell

Check Out The 500 Rep Challenge 

4. Monster Kettlebell Interval Workout

monster workout

Check out the Monster Workout

And that’s a wrap for this gorgeous friday! My favorite workouts from the week!

What about you? Did you have a good training week? 

Whip Six Feed

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