30 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Pros & Cons Of Working With Your Spouse & Anyone Want A Little Dog?

By admin

Hey friend. I hope you’re having a great weekend. While ours has been great, I am wishing we had just one more day.

Last night we were hit with one thunderstorm after another, and since my dog is a wimp we were up all night listening to Zoe cry, bark and trying to get up on our bed. Tired? Oh yes.

Anyone want a 9 year old silky terrior?

zoe for sale

I’ll even toss in her toys and food. She is up to date on shots and is extremely healthy so you can expect her to act more like a 4 year old than the old woman she is.

No? No takers?

Fine, do you have any tips on how to make thunderstorms a bit more bearable for us all?

The Truth On Working With My Spouse: The Good & The Bad

Dan and I had plans to spend the evening with my brother and SIL last night (and of course this crazy toddler), but before heading over, we made a stop at Starbucks to get some work done.

Even though we work together, we don’t often actually work together.

Does that make sense?

We each have our own to-dos, and to be honest we don’t exactly see eye to eye on a lot of stuff. What happens when you get 2 stubborn people together? Not a lot.

But yesterday we were on our A-game. We actually collaborated to come up with some great ideas for Fit Womens Weekly and felt like a great team afterwards.

I love when days go smoothly like that.

But it also made me remember a podcast episode that Dan and I did that I never posted!

The shame!

In the show, we talked about working with one another in the business world.

I think its something that all spouses can relate too, even those that don’t actually work together. So I wanted to share it.

Trust me, there is a lot more in this podcast than just our work habits.

Listen in to find out about:

  • What we thought about Taylor Swift becoming the spokes woman for Pepsi
  • Forced exercise
  • Some serious calorie talk as well

Also, make sure that you check out all of our podcast on iTunes! I have some awesome interviews I did this past week that I can’t wait to share.

And while you’re there, please PLEASE (yes, I am begging) give us a review. That’s how we can jump up our ratings so other people can find us!

Enjoy your Sunday. What’s on the agenda today?

Do you and your spouse work well together?

Whip Six Feed

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