18 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The 10 Reasons To Not Have A Workout Plan Planned

By admin

I have so very exciting news!

I’m going on a vacation!

I know what you’re thinking…


Well, at least that is what I am thinking.

Dan and I are packing our bags and headed to Amelia Island, Florida. We’re tagging along with my mom, who will be there for a work conference.

I’ll be doing plenty of this…

amelia island ritz

And maybe some of this…

beach workout kettle bells

But I’m not so sure.

Which prompted today’s post…

10 Reasons To Avoid Workout Plans

10. Sleep Is More Important

As I mentioned the other day, I am on the brink of breaking down.

Dan and I are hard workers who very rarely take time out to just chill.

In fact, before writing this post, I calculated that is has been 11 days since I have gotten more than 6-hours of sleep.


I have been working hard on the business front, fitness front, and life front (the house still needs to be cleaned and dinner still needs to be made) and now it’s time for me to focus on the working on relaxation.

We all work too hard… if it’s been 10-12 weeks since you had a “time-out” take one starting today!

9. Listen To Your Body

I will likely some  sort of workout while in Florida. It’s one of my favorite ways to wake up and see the area.



Sunrise run in Siesta Key, FL

However, I’ll listen to my body.

If I get a great night of sleep and feel rejuvenated then I’ll put together a run or beach circuit together impromptu style… if not I’ll skip it.

No guilt.

8. Post Race Recovery

Last week’s 10K kicked my butt a little more than I expected.

sprint finish


The sprint finish

Then on Tuesday I headed to the track with Katie and Amy for some speed work… then Dan and I headed to a local park to film a workout for our newest project.

Let’s just say, my body is still trying to recover from the race and I am making it hard to do so.

How do I know? I’m tired, I am a lot more sore than I should be from that park workout, and I feel as if my body is moving on auto-pilot.

If I do run (which I likely will), it will be easy, short and without any pace expectations. A great way to keep the muscles loose and shake my legs out.

7. Because Mom Said So

My mom is like any mom… she worries.

She is very supportive of my fitness filled life, but she can read me like a book. She often thinks that I push myself too hard. I don’t think there is ever a phone conversation that doesn’t end with her telling me to “go home and relax.”

So I wasn’t surprised when she told me that she was going to make me relax.

Hey, when your mom tells you to do something… you do it. No matter if you’re 5, 15, or 30 years old. I’m pretty sure I would get my mouth washed out with soap still if I tried to fight with her on that.

Listen to those most important in your life. If they think you’re working yourself too thin, they are likely right. My mom isn’t the only one… Dan tells me often I need to chill out and so does Katie.

I’ve got a great team watching out for me!

6. Vacations Are Rare

Did you know that Americans are terrible at taking vacations and days off? While other developed countries gladly use their vacation days, we for some reason feel guilty.

Vacations are rare… in fact, it’s been over a year since I took a real vacation. And it just so happens it was also to Florida.

Since taking time off to breath is limited, enjoy each second of it. Have a “fancy” cocktail and don’t think about the calories. Read a book by the pool. And enjoy the company around you. Getting a workout in shouldn’t be the first thought of the day.

It should be… “yes, I am taking time for myself.”


Scenes from our last vaca… over a year ago.

5. Last Minute Workouts Feel Awesome

There is something extremely satisfying about not having a workout planned and doing one anyways.

It’s a powerful motivator and you realize that you’re really digging this whole workout lifestyle.

Plus it makes enjoying that margarita a little later in the day, seem even tastier.

4. Workouts That Aren’t Workouts Count Too

Taking time away from the gym, weights, and running programs is important. It helps keep things fresh and keeps your drive high.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to sit on your butt.

Get up and get active with your friends and/or family. Go for walks, play catch with the kids, rent some bikes for a leisurely ride, etc…

Your body is still able to relax, yet you’re movement will feel great.

3. Allows For Creativity

Okay so maybe it’s not time for a “rest” week and you really do need to get a workout in.

Skip browsing pintrest (do you follow me?) for ideas, and sit down at the table with a pad and pen.

Come up with an original workout on all your own.

Don’t hold back. Create a workout that makes you look down at it and think… “What was I thinking? Here we go!”

Coming up with your own workout plan is fun and you might shock yoruself and how awesome of a sweat session you can create on your own.

This happened to me on Tuesday. I was doing a new workout, and kept asking Dan… What were we thinking with this? It killed me… seriously, I was in tears. And yes, I might have loved it at the same time.

2. Just Say Nah

And sometimes it is okay to skip out of a workout for no good reason other than the fact that you’re not feeling it.

I don’t recommend making this a normal event, however we all have days when a workout just doesn’t “feel right”.

If you don’t have a workout planned, and your body (and mind) are telling you to screw it, then screw it.

This is likely a sign that you need rest and you will be much better off going home and sitting on the couch with a great balanced meal then forcing an unplanned workout.

There have been times when I’ve walked into the gym, tried to get my workout going only to walk out 10 minutes later because I just wasn’t in the mood.

It happens to the best of us.

fit womens weekly

1. Let Someone Else Do The Planning

Change things up! Forget your workout plan and try a new fitness class at your gym, a new fitness studio (Like Fit Womens Weekly) or ask your workout partner to come up with something “fresh”.

Sometimes I love going into a workout not having a clue as to what to expect. In fact, that’s why I make Dan come up with our workouts so often.

I get tired of creating them for other people and love having someone else kick my butt from time to time.

Even if you’re a seasoned pro at designing workout programs, look at other sources. Not only will it be fun, but you’ll also learn new techniques and exercises for your own programs.

Okay friends, now please excuse me as I have a few more hours of work before I am officially able to relax. That includes getting Nike and Zoe ready for the pet sitter, cleaning the house (so said pet sitter doesn’t think we live in filth), last minute writing assignments, coaching a soccer team, and… I think that’s it.

See you from Florida!

When and where was your last vacation to? 

Whip Six Feed

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