31 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

No, I Don’t Want To Workout

By admin

I know I should workout, but I’m tired.

I know I should workout, but I don’t have the time.

I know I should workout, but I don’t like it.

I know I should workout, but I don’t know what to do.

All of these come together to scream…

“I know I should workout, but I don’t want to.”

It saddens me when I hear excuses.  And let’s face it, all of the above are just that… excuses.

Are they excusable excuses? No. They’re not.

You make time for what is important to you. And when you’re tired, don’t you want something that gives you energy, aside from some over processed energy shot that promises the buzz of 4 Starbuck’s coffees? And as far as not knowing what to do at the gym, did you see the workout on Monday, or checked out online workout places like this?

I know this may sound a little dramatic, but my heart truly drops a bit with every excuse I hear.

Why don’t you want to workout? 

Yes, there are days when you’re tired and days when the last thing you want to do is put effort into movement.  You would much rather be sitting on the couch catching up on Weeds (we just got into watching this on Netflix).

weeds show

But 90% of the time, those are the days you’ll appreciate getting a sweat session in the most. 

Those are the days that you’ll feel the most pride when a workout is done.

It is easy to have a great workout when you’re feeling “it” and feeling energized. Those workouts, while wonderful, don’t go down in the “I did awesome” book.

They’re quickly forgotten.

workout shoesIt’s the days when you’re dragging your feet that stand out. Those days when you keep glaring at your workout shoes, which are stacked on top of each other beside the door serving as a constant reminder to get it together.

After awhile of being mocked by your shoes, you finally do get it together and you push through the workout from start to finish.

At the end, how do you feel?

Like a freaking rock star!

And that’s why it’s a workout that won’t be forgotten.

This will serve as a reminder the next time you’re shoes are begging for a workout at the door, like a dog whining to be walked, that you can do it. Because you did it last time.


Yes, I might be on a soap box, but it’s because we all need to be reminded sometimes. I feel like “it’s okay” is far too exceptable in our society.

You tell a friend you missed a workout and what does she say?

“Oh, that’s okay.”

You tossed your diet out the window and ate 4 slices of pizza, 3 cookies and 2 margaritas and your husband says in return…

“That’s okay”.

All those okay’s makes it seem easy to give in. To give up. If it is okay, then why not skip out of workouts more often? Why not eat cheese pizza and drink margaritas every Wednesday?

Okay (yea, I just did it), I am not saying that you shouldn’t enjoy a great pizza and a great margarita from time to time. Or that missing a workout is going to kill your results.

I am saying this… justifying the actions you know aren’t good, isn’t okay. These are actions that while done sparingly will not hurt you, but it’s important to remind yourself of your goals and that tomorrow it’s on like Donkey Kong.

When I Don’t Want To Workout…

I picture how I will feel at the end.

I acknowledge that it might not be the best performance of my life, however, it’s better than skipping out completely. And that at the end I’ll feel pride and accomplishment.

I remind myself that if I can’t motivate myself to workout, then how can I motivate others?

These do it.

So excuse me…

I want to go workout now. 

fit friends


Post workout picture from yesterday… when none of us were “feeling it” prior to getting started. The end: We conquered.

Q: How do you get motivated?

{Source of dog}


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