04 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

400 Pound Weight Loss? My Excuses Have Run Out

By admin

Well, hello friend!

I hope your day is off to a great start. It’s about to get a extra dose of motivation (because we can all use an extra dose of it every day) to make it even better.

Back in January, I had the privilege of being chosen to participate in a healthy living round circle for our local news as a way to get Charleston healthier for 2013. I was honored and excited to be around so many health conscious people that included dietitians, race directors, charity presidents (Louie’s Kids) and weight loss successes.

I had no idea who was who as each person entered the room.

One of the first to walk in was a gentleman and his girlfriend, they looked liked your average healthy couple and were extremely polite. After some small talk, I discovered there was nothing “normal” about this guy.

He was extraordinary.

He confessed to losing almost 400 pounds.

400 Pounds! That’s more than 3x my weight.

And his girlfriend, she was equally as impressive. She had dropped over 100 pounds.

I was beyond impressed, and after learning more about his story, I knew that we would stay connected after the 2 hour round circle.

Luckily we have, and I just finished reading his very motivational book entitled: Impossible, How I lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery

bryan ganey

I want to share a bit of his story today because I am tired of saying I want to accomplish this or that. I am tired of making excuses for my own actions, or lack of actions.

I needed this book, his story, to pump me up and make me realize how special we all are. How much we’re capable of.

If this man can completely change his life to lose 400 pounds, then damn it, I can hit my goals.

You can hit your goals!

The Impossible Accomplishment

Bryan Ganey, at the age of 37, was faced with a decision: Either lose weight, or die. 

There was no room for debate, no questions, no other options. He was in a hospital bed because of a lung embolism and his choices had run out.

Bryan’s weight was climbing to 600 pounds, and his life was barely a life. It definitely wasn’t a life he felt was worth living.

He couldn’t do anything without relying on others. His clothes had to be specially made, he couldn’t even get the medical care he really needed, because he was too overweight for the machines. If he wanted to weigh himself, he had to use a truck scale!

It was at the moment, he had his “ah ha” moment and decided to finally take control. For good.

Over his life time, dieting had been a regularly occurring activity, but it was always through crazy calorie restrictions, fads and excessive exercise. Which as you know, leads to burn out, and once the diet is over and food is reintroduced, the weight is stacked right back on.

Bryan was done with the fads, and knew that if he was really going to make something happen, it would have to be right…

A lifestyle change.

Doctors told him he wouldn’t be able to do it. They told him that he should get gastric bypass surgery. His own doctors thought that if he went at it the “old fashioned” way… he would fail. 

What I love about Bryan and learned almost immediately when meeting him,

Tell him he can’t and he’ll prove you wrong.

I love that.

He Proved Them Wrong. 




3 years later, 400 pounds less, Bryan is a walking billboard of inspiration and motivation. I mean, the man bikes like 30 miles in a single ride! He’s done the Bridge Run 3 back to back years.

His passion for healthy living is contagious which is why he’s gone on to use his story to become a motivational speaker and author.

I’ve had Bryan talk with my boot campers to share his story and his secrets. Or should I say lack thereof of secrets. You know you’re good when you can hold the attention of a room full of ladies.

His success wasn’t impossible, it just required a few things that a lot of us don’t have yet:

  • Drive
  • Motivation
  • Anger (yes anger)
  • Desire

What Am I Lacking?

I have the motivation and desire to accomplish my goals. But I know I can probably up the drive! As for anger, maybe I need to find a way to get angry because I am not there yet.

Thanks Bryan for the lift I needed today!

Today’s Question: Do you like reading motivational books?

I’m always looking for good ones (not too fairy tale or preachy) so if you have any recommendations please share!

More On Bryan Ganey: 

Bryan covers all of these things in his new book, Impossible: How I lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery.

This isn’t a weight loss book or a diet book, it’s a motivational book. As you can tell, I finished it just this morning and I am crazy motivated right now.

If you don’t have 400 pounds to lose, that shouldn’t stop you from checking it out! It’s honest, it’s powerful, and it’s raw.

You can also find out more about Bryan at his website: BryanGaney.com

*I was not compensated to write this post. I love reading great success stories and wanted to share my friend Bryan’s.

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