23 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Gotta’ Gotta’ Get Up Workout & Kevita {Giveaway}

By admin

There are a lot worst things to waking up on Monday morning… but we won’t get into that.

Instead, let’s stay positive and start the week off right.

With a killer, seriously killer, workout!

What do you say?

Oh, and I’ve got a great giveaway for you below too! Bring on Monday!

Gotta’ Gotta’ Get Up To Get Down Workout

Let me start off by saying, the below sweatfest is only PART of a workout. The entire thing will be posted at FitWomensWeekly.com the very first week of October as part of a brand new program I am going to be launching.

Sorry, mistake by Dan.

It was brutal, in the best possible way. When I was finished, I felt every emotion from exhaustion to pride to even wanting to shed a tear… that’s when you know you push hard!

But don’t let that make you nervous… you’re able to do this workout at your own speed, for your own personal level. Remember, you’re only competing against yourself.


Workout Overview: 

  • Perform 2 reps of each exercise… then 6 of each… then 18 of each… and finally, 54 of each move.
  • When you get to the 54-rep round, go at your own pace. When you need to rest, rest! Break moves into sets of 10, then rest 10 seconds then repeat if needed.
  • For the inch worms, for the 54-rep round, take out the push-up.
  • Finish with a time circuit: 30 seconds of each exercise… and finally, 15 seconds of each. Write down your scores and try to beat them when you do this workout again this week!

Here’s a tip before you get started… don’t do this workout on concrete like I did. I ended up with blisters on the palms of my hands. Seriously. Gross.

Grass, inside, or on a yoga mat will definitely work in your favor. Oh, and a bottle of water, which I neglected to bring along.

Blonde moment.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Have you done all 3 of these exercises before? 

Kevita Giveaway

I found Kevita when I first became a vegan, so about 1 1/2 years ago. They are probiotic rich, which is why I grabbed up a bottle to try.

I love the subtle carbonation along with the tart taste. And I’ve yet to try a flavor I didn’t like.


If you check out my Instagram, you’ll see my favorite flavor is the Lemon Cayenne. It’s delicious! The Coconut flavor is my 2nd favor. Super refreshing and I feel like they have replaced any desire for a soda that I used to have.

kevita giveaway

Anyways, the nice folks at Kevita offered me a few free bottles to share with one of you.

Enter below to win 8 bottles of Kevita! 

If you haven’t tasted this stuff before, do it! So good!

To Enter: 

1. Just leave a comment below telling me what flavor(s) you would want to try.

Receive an additional entry for: 

2. Tweeting:

“Check out the #kevita giveaway that @femininemuscle is hosting at: http://www.liftingrevolution.com/gotta-get-up-kevita!”

3. Liking Lifting Revolution on facebook and posting about the giveaway on your profile.

For additional entries, please make sure to leave a comment below letting me know what you did so you receive credit.

One winner will be chosen on Wednesday morning! 

Whip Six Feed

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