03 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

10 Classic Embarrassing Gym Moments Everyone Experiences

By admin

I think that embarrassing moments are meant to happen for 2 reasons:

ONE: To remind us that we’re not perfect.

TWO: To remind us not to take life so seriously. Embarrassing for you means laughter for others, and laughter for you in the future.

Aside from laughing at other’s blunders, something else that’s funny is that we all get embarrassed from things that happen to everyone else.

So before you try to crawl into a hole, realize that everyone at sometime or another has had one of these classic embarrassing moments during a workout.

And if they haven’t… they either aren’t working out enough or their time just hasn’t come yet.

10 Classic Embarrassing Gym Moments Everyone Experiences 

10. The Classic Treadmill Trip/Slip/Fly

If you’ve ever been on a treadmill, then you’ve likely either have tripped, slipped, or completely fallen off. Typing the next sentence is very scary for me as I feel I am setting myself up, but here it goes. I have never flown off the back of a treadmill. Fingers crossed. However I have had several close calls, I’ve had water bottles fall and fly off the back into walls, I’ve stumbled mid run, and I’ve tripped getting on. The bottom line we’ve all had at least one moment where our cheeks turned rosy due to the dreadmill.


It’s a scary beast.

9. The Toot

When you’re working out, straining for another rep, sometimes something just “toots” out. It’s human and it can’t always be held in.

Want to hear an extremely embarrassing story (aka, a story my husband still makes fun of my about)?

A few months ago, a certain trainer was filming a short clip demonstrating a kettlebell move. Upon execution of this move, a rather unlady-like toot may have been caught on camera. Dan refuses to delete this video simply so he can go back and laugh at the expression on my face.

It happens. It’s funny. We’re all 9 year olds at heart.

8. The Execution Mistake

With exercises galore being demonstrated on You-tube, it’s natural to see something and think: “cool, I should try that.” And by trying we learn that that move is stupid and should never be tried again. But only after we fail miserably at it, making a fool out of ourselves.

For me, that happened with a few Bosu ball exercises.

My favorite “stupid workout” video (it’s a spoof and hilarious):

7. I Thought I Was Stronger

Ever gotten stuck lifting? As in, you were doing a bench press and suddenly realized there wasn’t going to be a press to get the weight back up? All you could do was give the person next to you a panic-strickened look of “oh crap, help”.

Having a spotter is important and it takes just one of these events to build up the nerve to ask some stranger to help you out.

My embarrassing moment was a bit more severe. About 6 years ago, I was training for a figure competition and went to do a heavy shoulder press with a barbell… I strained, I pushed and before I knew it my shoulder was out of socket and the bar was on the ground. An ambulance ride may have taken place a short time later and for the next month I went to the gym at a different time to avoid those that saw the whole thing happen.

6. Tinkle Tinkle

Runners, yogis, and lifters can all raise a guilty hand here. You go into your workout with the realization that you need to pee but you think you’ll be fine until the end of the workout or at least until you’re done with current set.

Then you realize you’re not going to be fine. You high tail it to the bathroom hoping to avoid a true accident.

Mini accidents happen, especially for women who have kids. Jump roping, jumping jacks, and running cause this embarrassment to occur the most.

Since I am opening up so much today, I’ve had this happen while out on a run (or two). Yes, I had to stop behind a bush and pray no one would see me. Of course, I got caught coming out from behind the push adjusting my leggings. Just shrug, smile and run on.

5. The Drop

I don’t know why this embarrassing, yet I get red faced every time it happens.

I let go of the cables on the cable machine and the weights go crashing down to cause a loud “ding” for the whole gym to hear. Or a dumbbell gets dropped, barbell, etc.

Sure everyone will likely stop and look to see who did such a crazy thing as to drop their weights, but oh well.

It’s happened too many times for me, I can’t pick one situation to share.

4. ”Holy” Pants


Perhaps you’re in the middle of a workout, like I was, or perhaps you’re stretching post workout and realize that you’ve got a hole in your pants. In a very unflattering place. All you can wonder is “why didn’t someone tell me I had a hole in my butt!?”.

Last year, Dan and I were working out together. He nonchalantly let me know that I had a hole in my capris. Because of his laid back attitude I assumed it wasn’t in a bad place so I kept working out. When I finished a set I looked to see where this hole was. It was on my crotch. Our workout session was cut short that day.

3. The Earphone Catch

You just finished up a great cardio session on the elliptical or treadmill and stand for a second to catch your breath. The television that you had been watching has already been turned off and you think nothing as you turn to get off.

Then you’re pulled backwards.

Oops, you left your headphones plugged into the machine and now you resemble a fish on a line.

I laugh at myself every time it happens and I’ve received a few chuckles from others around me. It’s funny, move on.

2. Arm Pit Neglect (Or Leg)

I don’t think you’ll ever look back and laugh at yourself about this one. We’ve all done it so don’t be ashamed. How many times have you had your arms overhead for some exercise and realized that you forgot to shave your pits? For a second you wonder if you should stop doing that exercise or if you should just pray that no one notices these man-pits. I go with the second option.

Just yesterday, Dan called me out. Embarrassed? Yes.

1. OMG Did That Really Happen? 

And very rarely we have moments that don’t fit any of the above, such as in the video. The moments where we are dumbfounded and can’t believe that that just happened.

My OMG moment? Well the trip to the hospital definitely ranks up there. But another would have to be the time when I was jumping up to the pull-up bar. My fingers slipped and I went flying down. It was awesome.

– Have you experienced any of these moments while working out? 

– Do you get embarrassed easily?

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