11 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Train For Multiple Races Simultaneously & Celebrating A Runiversary

By admin

Tomorrow officially kicks of race season. Over the next 5 weeks I’ll be running 4 races.

If you’re curious and looking for a good run in the Charleston area, here’s my schedule:

Because I’m insane, I am looking to PR the first 3 races (not something I would recommend). We will see how it all goes.

I thought I would quickly share how my training has been over the past weeks to prepare for such a wide variety of races. Please note that I don’t suggest running back to back to back races if you’re new to running. It’s not ideal as the body needs time to recover. But there is a difference between racing a race and running a race.

Sound good? I promise once race season cuts back, I’ll cut back on run chat (unless you want me to talk more about my training?).

The Quad Race Training

Four races, all completely different.

First and foremost, I actually mapped out a running plan.

It’s the first time ever. And while I didn’t stick to it 100%, I did use it as a guide over the past 14 weeks.

Yup, I started half marathon training about 14 weeks ago, deciding to train long and smart this time around.

Because I knew I would be doing shorter races around the same time, I wanted to make sure that I would have time to incorporate both distance training and speed work.

The 14 weeks worked perfectly for me.

Blending Programs

The Half Plan…

The running plan I used was the the “Intermediate 1/2 Marathon Plan” from Runner’s World. It included 3-4 runs/week which was great since that’s what I do naturally. And even incorporated strength training. Not that I was going to not strength train, but I liked seeing it on the calendar.


But with the 10k’s on the schedule, I wanted to do some targeted training for them as well.

The 10K Plan…

Katie (my amazing running partner) found a 10K PR Advanced program from Runner’s World and asked if I would do it with her. Sure, I’ll do an advanced training plan, no biggie, right?

That plan is no joke. Our track workout yesterday included 2 x 2 mile repeats at 10K goal pace. And then a mile at goal pace after that. Pretty sure we almost died. But we felt so freakin’ jazzed when we completed it. We just pretended we were famous marathoners… role play at it’s finest!

Mountain Plan…

Now, in terms of the trail run, I’ve also combined training for this with my other programs.

Hills and trails aren’t exactly plentiful here in Charleston, but if you follow my on Instagram, you may have noticed I’ve been running the bridge a lot more. Don’t let the image fool you, that incline sucks!


It’s the only steep incline we have so I’ve taken full advantage and have added it into all of my long runs for the past 5-weeks. I’m hoping it will help me get my butt up some mountains! I really hate that bridge, so I want to know dealing with it these past weeks has benefited.

Combining the programs has made training a lot of fun, I LOVE track workout days and I LOVE long run days. So what can I say… I’m a freak.

Listening To My Body


I have a history of “pushing through” when I know I probably shouldn’t. Knee pain, ankle pain, back pain generally don’t stop me. But this time I was determined to train smart.

If my body felt tired, I cut back on the miles. If something hurt, I listened to my body and took time off to let it heal (like my achilles earlier this week).

I also took recovery quite serious…

I’ve come a long way… I think I’m almost an adult!

It’s A Runiversary!

While I am excited about all of the races, the 5K tomorrow holds a special place in my heart…


It’s my runiversary with Jeanette. Yup, she’s my running lova’ and this was the first race we ever ran together!

Since then there has been a lot of races/runs/training/life experiences together so when she asked if I would run this one I couldn’t say no.

I’ve mentioned J a time or two over the years, she’s even been a guest in an old Lifting Revolution Show (warning –> we look SO young)! Jeanette was my very first like-minded fitness friend and I’m lucky that we’ve remained in each other’s lives for these past years.

Thanks Jeanette for the support. Happy Runiversary!

What’s something you’re looking forward to this weekend?


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