15 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Tips For Women To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

By admin

This past Sunday was the season premier of The Walking Dead. Are you a fan?


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Dan and I love zombie shows and movies, but sadly we have to wait for the full season to be added to NetFlix since we don’t have a television.

But regardless of our technological issues, the show started and lots of people were able to tune in.

What is it about Zombies that makes them so intriguing?

On top the Walking Dead, this month also will host hundreds of Zombie Runs for Halloween. It’s no different here, there are two zombie theme runs (that I know of) on the schedule for Charleston.

But are you ready?

If the zombie apocalypse really does happen, are you prepared?

It’s a battle of the fittest and I’m helping you to win…

What do you need to know to avoid becoming a zombie yourself?



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Follow these tips to be amongst the strong when the shit hits the fan and the zombies come running (or sluggishly creeping) up the road to you and your family?

Let’s have some fun… what do you say?

5 Tips For Women To Survive A Zombie Outbreak

Endurance over speed.

Most people think to out run a zombie you have to be fast. That’s not the case at all. You just have to be faster than the guy/girl beside you. If you are, then rest assured you’ll be safe.

The real challenge is can you keep running? The chase never ends, just when you think you get to catch your breath, another zombie pops out at you.

Make sure to include interval training runs into your weekly workouts to build up the endurance you need, and let’s face it, you want to be a little fast!

Forget the gun.

A man will want a gun, but while he’s wasting bullets trying to shoot the zombies between the eyes, you can already have a pile stacking up. Forgo ego and say no to a gun. Instead, grab the biggest knife/sword possible.

Where does one get a sword? Great question… the world is in complete mayhem, just break into a karate place and take a samurai sword. That’s survival of the fittest.



Tip: Swinging a sword around takes a lot of core strength. Start adding some planks and moves like cherry pickers to get your core built to handle such a weapon! Here’s 30 Variations Of Planks to help!

Start focusing on yoga. 

You’ll want to be as flexible as possible to jump over fences, squeeze into tight spaces, and contort yourself from zombie holds. You’d hate to lose the fight because of tight hips, right?

You’ll appreciate adding something new to your workouts, making them a bit more exciting. But you’ll love the benefits even more! Namaste.

Start adjusting to strange but good.

My friend Laura, creates some crazy delicious meals, but they’re all entitled “strange but good”. Well, she’ll have no problem with the food during a zombie outbreak.

Get used to seeing what you have available and mushing it all together. It might not look good, it might not smell good, but food is food. Bon Appetit! Survivors can’t be picky. There won’t be a Whole Foods bar waiting to serve you as you run from town to town.

Start practicing!  Do your best to avoid mid week trips to the grocery store or opting to eat out because you think there’s nothing in the kitchen. Scan the pantry, fridge and freezer and see what you can create.

Do some push-ups.

From so many years of training women, I’ve learned that many of us lack in the upper body strength department. No one is going to help carry your load when your body gets tired, not even your husband. Start focusing more on the upper body by incorporating moves like push-ups, pull-ups (assisted works), and curls.

Hate doing normal push-ups? Have you seen the 35-Variations I’ve posted previously? Variety is the spice of life and strength!

Remember, the more you’re able to take care of yourself, the better chances you’ll have.

So those are the top 5 tips, but I’m also going to include a few other basic training tips you can take with you.

And yes, these are tips I’ve learned from seasons 1-3 of The Walking Dead…

Tips From The Walking Dead

  • Never ever put your guard down. That’s when bad things happen.
  • Pack a backpack with tons of tampons and other girlie supplies. A pregnancy test might come in handy one day too.
  • Animals aren’t susceptible to zombieness, so fear not (why is that?)
  • At some point your clothing will get ripped, make sure to have a good sports bra and clean underwear on.
  • Learning how to steal a car might come in handy.
  • If you hear something, it’s a zombie… run!
  • If your friend/spouse gets bit, just chop that limb off immediately, wrap it up and they’ll be saved from the zombie disease.

So have I left anything off? Can you think of any tips to help survival chances?

Do you watch The Walking Dead?

Note: I shouldn’t have to say this but I will anyways… this post is just for fun. I don’t really believe there will be a zombie apocalypse. 

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