17 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Best “Top 10 Women’s Fitness Posts”

By admin

If you’ve been reading Lifting Revolution for any length of time, perhaps you’ve noticed I love creating “Top Ten” posts?

They’re something I started over a year ago, and unlike many things I’ve started in the past, I’ve actually kept them going strong.

They also happen to be some of the most popular posts here, which is why I thought it would be fun to share the “Top 10 Of The Top 10” today.

Especially after yesterday’s deep post (which was oddly enough a Top 10 too).

Top 10 Best Top Ten Lifting Revolution Posts

How did I determine this? The rankings are based on social shares and comments.

10. The Top 10 Tastiest & Healthiest Nut Butters


Being a nut butter snob, I’ve had some great and so not so great experiences. Here are my favorite nut butters of all time! Since I’ve made this list however, I have started making our own butter each week… but from time to time these make their way into our home.

9. Top 10 Reasons To Destroy My Wedding Dress

destory wedding

Find out how my wedding dress ended up in a trash can at the fair grounds. Thinking about it brings feelings of both happiness and sadness.

8. Top 30 Plank Exercises To Shock Your Core

So it’s a 30, and not a 10… It was still posted on a “Top 10 Thursday” so I’m letting it count. Sometimes I get a bit carried away at creating lists and I love putting together these GIF posts!

7.  11 Reasons Why You’re Life Is Awesome Right This Second

Just 1 over, that’s not so bad. It’s important to remember that we’ve all got it pretty good. Sometimes we have down days, sometimes we dream of different circumstances, etc… but life isn’t so bad as is.

6. Top 10 Reasons Why My Husband Will Never Ask My To Stop Exercising

What makes a happy wife? A husband that supports her! Here are the reasons why Dan will never, ever ask me to stop working out!

5.  30 Burpee Variations You Can’t Wait To Try

Again, it’s not 10 out of excitement to share. But, like the planks, these burpee variations were suppose to be a “Top 10 Thursday”.

4. Top 10 Mistakes Women Make At The Gym (Myself Included)

Learn what you can do to make your workouts better and more efficient. 90% of women are making at least 1 of these mistakes.

3. Top 10 Jaw Dropping Confessions From A Trainer

It’s personal and very honest. I guess it’s nice to hear that we all struggle, we’re all women and we all need each other.

2. Top 10 Upper Body Exercises For Women

Need some good moves to get stronger up top? Here are the best of the best!

1. Evolution Of The Female Body Image Over The Past 10 Decades

This might be my favorite post of all. It is so interesting how we’ve changed our views of “what is beautiful” over the years. Very eye opening!

What “Top 10″ post would you like to see? 

Are you a list person?

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