27 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Boot Camp Spooktacular 5K & Workout + Pumpkin Pie Peanut Butter

By admin

Hello friend, I hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday!

We have had the best weekend with our friends/boot campers. Unfortunately today, I woke up with a sore throat so I’ll be taking it easy. I guess I just had a little too much fun!

Tomorrow I’ll have a normal post (it’s actually a great Pumpkin Halloween Workout) but for today, I  wanted to share some of the pictures from the event we put on for my boot camp here in Charleston.


The wig was a bit too dark, but I was going for Richard Simmons!

It was a chilly morning but we had just the perfect turn out for our 1st Spooktacular 5K + Workout. Yup, we started the morning with a 5K run, then finished it off with a fast (but killer) team workout.

I feel so blessed… this is my job! I get to dress up, workout, and hang out with amazing people every single day. Doesn’t get much better…

Fat Blasting Boot Camp’s…

Spooktacular 5K Was First Up:


For some of these clients, it was their very first 5K… I was so proud of them! The shot of the day goes to my brother… the bottom right photo above. My SIL is a boot camper, so I was thrilled that they could all come, including our niece!


The run was a blast! And Julie, the “winner” had never run 3.1 miles in her life! Go Julie!


After the run, we took a few minutes to drink some water before completing an intense team workout. Everyone was split up into 3 teams. Each team had their own pumpkin…

The Pumpkin Workout


From there they had to perform:

  • Over-Under Passes (to the back and to the front)
  • 5 Squats + Sprint (once the person in front started their sprint, the next person would go)
  • 100 Push-ups as a team
  • 75 Burpees as a team
  • Pass The Pumpkin (Russian Twists) down and back

They had to do this 2x through as fast as possible.

It was short but crazy intense! And everyone seemed to LOVE it!


Again thank you to everyone that allows Dan and I to share our passion for fitness and life!

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and playing around in the kitchen.

Pumpkin Pie Peanut Butter


I was craving something different than just plain peanut butter on my pancakes for breakfast. I wanted pumpkin, but I didn’t want it in the pancakes (weird?). So I came up with Pumpkin Pie Peanut Butter. Oh so good!

I’m going to use it for an icing today too!

  • 1/4 Cup Peanut Butter (all-natural)
  • 1/2 Cup Pure Pumpkin
  • 1/2 Tsp Stevia (or honey or maple syrup)
  • 1 Tsp Pumpkin Spice (or less… I love cinnamon and spices)
  1. Heat up the peanut butter for about 25 seconds to make it easier to combine. Stir all ingredients together and enjoy!

Easy as that!

Whip Six Feed

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