29 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

5 Rules To Ensure A Flat, 6-Pack Stomach

By admin

31 days… that’s all I have left until my 6-pack ab challenge is over.

In case you missed it, Dan bet me $ 150 that I can’t get a 6-pack by Thanksgiving. I know that might sound weird to some, but it’s the motivation I’ve needed to put in the extra training to see results.

So, how’s it going?

So far so go! I’ve started to see some changes in my physique and I’m excited for what the next 31 days can produce.

I’ve had a lot of people ask for updates so I thought it would be the perfect podcast topic to cover.

These are the 5 rules I’m following to ensure that the $ 150 is mine come November 28th! And I promise, they’re rules that are easy to implement so that if you’ve been gunning for a flatter stomach, you’ll want to know them!

5 Rules You Have To Follow For A Flat, 6-Pack Stomach

Check out other episodes of What The Fitness On iTunes!

Don’t have time right this second to listen but want to know what we talked about? Here are the show notes. But when you get a chance, make sure to listen in to get the full report and explanations.

1. Be Patient & Consistent.

Did you wake up this morning suddenly filled with motivation you’ve never had before? It’s easy to get overly excited about a goal and jump in with the idea of more is better. Trust me, it’s not.

When it comes to workouts, you’re much better off doing smaller, more intense workouts over time then working out for 2 hours straight and calling it a week. Consistency leads to results.

The same goes with nutrition. Small tweaks are much better than overnight 180-degree diet changes.

Bottom line… this is a lifestyle.

    • A recent study found that women who did 4-minutes of intense interval training (20 seconds exercise – 10 seconds rest) 4 times per week saw the same aerobic gains as women who ran on a treadmill for 7x as long… plus the interval women increased strength and muscle composition. See details here.

2. Total Body Training.

To see definition, it’s vital to have a workout program that consists of total body strength training and cardio. Together you’ll burn more calories, tone more muscles, and increase your overall metabolism. Of course leading to your body burning fat.

Does this mean you have to lift weights? No! While I love lifting weights, body weight workouts are fabulous at providing enough intensity and “oomph” to see results. Your body is actually the best weight to use!

3. Avoid Spot Training

Do you remember when Brittany Spears was popular and had a stomach we all wanted? It was rumored that she did something like 500 sit ups every single day.

Is that the reason for her abs? No! Spot reduction (losing weight in one area) isn’t possible. Follow the workout tips above.

What is important is to include stomach moves into your training like planks, leg raises, medicine ball rotations, etc which will help build your abs up so that when your belly fat is reduced you can see them.

Also keep in mind that the abs are a muscle like your legs, butt, biceps, etc… and require rest and recovery. Don’t train them hard every single day!

4. Be Honest With Your Nutrition

The first thing I ask clients when they ask why they aren’t seeing results is how is their nutrition going. More often then not, they’ll reply with “it’s going okay.” That “okay” is the sign that they aren’t being honest with me or with themselves.

To melt body fat, you have to eat a diet that supports it. That means no processed foods (whole nutrition all the way), tracking what you eat and getting a clear understanding of your nutrition profile.

When you see where you’re diet is lacking then you’ll be able to clean it up. But not until you’re 100% honest with yourself.

A few other nutrition tips…

    • Stay hydrated (it can make a huge difference)
    • Cut back on sugar laden fruit like bananas and pineapple
    • Track your nutrition
    • Make 1-2 changes per week
    • You can eat more food if you eat quality foods… I personally love troughs like this lady.

5. Have A Realistic Outlook.

Movies, models and magazines have given us a messed up image of what a flat stomach is. The reality is that having 6 defined cut sections in our stomachs is really hard. And hard to maintain.

Not to mention, we’re all different. For example, I know I don’t have the stomach musculature to look like a 300 Spartan Warrior. It’s just not in my genetics.

Look at your own results and successes and aim for the best you’re able to achieve. Don’t compare to others.

It’s hard but it’s important.

Your turn…

Now that you know my current fitness goal, share yours! 

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