01 November 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Sick On Race Day? & Addictive Gluten-Free Walnut Cinnamon Bread

By admin

Tomorrow I have a 10K (The James Island Connector Run).

This is a 10K that I’ve been training hard for to PR. And no just any PR… it’s what I need if I want to get a seeded spot for the Cooper River Bridge Run.

I’ve mentioned it before, if I do not get this goal then I will not run the bridge in 2014. Why? Because it just isn’t worth it, the corrals are far too packed, people lie about their race times so half the runners around you stop half way up the bridge to walk and that slows down your time. A race this big, just isn’t race-able.

But that would change if I started in the “seeded” group. Then I can bypass all that and just run my race.

Can I do it? I hope so!

I’ve been sick since Sunday and each night I go to bed declaring “tomorrow, I’m going to feel better”. Mind over matter, right?

It hasn’t worked quite yet, but miracles happen. And I’m hoping my “get better fast tactics” work.

My Get Better Fast Tactics

  • Lots of warm liquids. Warm liquids help to relieve congestion, prevent dehydration and soothes a sore throat. Teas and lemon water have been my friends. I even made a big batch of black bean soup which was heavenly.
  • Vitamin C. I started to feel “off” on Sunday and I remembered a study that said people who take high doses of Vitamin C at the first signs of a cold/sickness are able to fight it faster. I grabbed a few cartons of AirBourne and began drinking it every few hours.
  • Regular nose blows. Sounds gross, but regularly blowing your nose instead of sucking it back up helps your body tremendously. Not only does it help with pressure, but who really wants that nasty feeling in their stomachs from ingesting so much mucus?
  • Regardless, I will run the race, I just have my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to suck it up and run the race I need and want. Then I can crawl back into bed if necessary.
  • Sleep with an extra pillow. Sleeping up a bit helps to drain the nasal passages. I hate sleeping up but if it means I can breath and get everything to drain faster, than I’m up for it!
  • Extra Greens. I take something called Juice Plus, it’s basically a whole bunch of fruits and vegetables dried and put into a pill. It’s very high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals so this week I’ve been taking an extra pill to help my body have all the nutrients it needs to fight this off.
  • Sleep. This is the first time in years that I’ve gotten more than 8-hours of sleep multiple nights in a single week. Dan taught one of our morning boot camps for me so I could sleep in. And as soon as I hit publish on this, chances are I will be crawling back into bed.
  • Load up on all natural foods. No processed junk will find its way into my belly. To help my body fight, I have to give it the best weapons and that comes from solid nutrition and rest. I’ve been eating a lot my walnut cinnamon bread below to give my body a great dose of fats and protein to deal with this crap.

Wish me luck! I am staying positive and have a feeling the race will be great! Regardless of my time, I’ll be running with several friends.

gluten free vegan walnut cinnamon bread recipe

Vegan Gluten-Free Walnut Cinnamon Bread

I mentioned yesterday that this bread has become a staple in my home. Any time I need a quick snack or a fast breakfast, it’s my go to.

The original recipe was in the Wheat Belly but I’ve made a few modifications to make it vegan and even more delicious.


  • 2 Cups Almond Flour*
  • 1 Cup Chopped Walnuts
  • 2 Tbsp Flaxseeds
  • 2 Tbsp Cinnamon
  • 2 Tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Sea Salt
  • 2 Tbsp Chia Seeds
  • 6 Tbsp Water
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce*
  • 1/2 Cup Melted Coconut Oil (I used red palm oil)
  • 1/4 Cup Unsweetened Coconut Milk (or Almond)

*If you don’t have almond flour (or meal) you can make your own by blending walnuts until “flour like”. For the applesauce, I use baby food apple sauce, which is all natural and void of added sugar.

walnut cinnamon bread vegan


  1. Pre-heat oven to 325-degrees.
  2. In a large bowl mix together everything EXCEPT 1 tbp of cinnamon.
  3. For ease when the bread is done, I lined my standard loaf pan with a sheet of parchment paper.
  4. Pour half of the bread batter into the pan, and sprinkle the remaining cinnamon evenly over. Pour the other half on top. This is optional, but I love the extra cinnamon in the center.
  5. Bake for approximately 45-minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.
  6. Allow the bread to cool for 20+ minutes before removing from the pan. I’ve found it’s even better if it chills in the fridge before removing.

With the high dose of nuts and coconut oil, this is a great all-natural food to help my body stay strong during this weakened time!

The best way to enjoy it? I’ve been broiling it in the oven for a few minutes to heat it up then adding a dollop of nut butter. So good! It’s also amazing crumbled into a pumpkin pie smoothie (recipe to come).

Okay, sorry to be so short, but I have to follow my own advice and get back to bed!

Tomorrow is the big day!

What’s your favorite sick food? 

I love soup, especially black bean and noodle soup. My mom would sometimes make us homemade chicken noodle when we were sick and I remember eating it while dipping saltines in the broth. So good. As a vegan, I’ve only made noodle soup (no chicken) a few times, but perhaps I should get a batch cooking in the crockpot.

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