06 November 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Stop Facebooking What You’re Thankful For: 10 Ways To DO Thanks

By admin

Day #6: Today I am thankful for the fresh food that fills my fridge and the ability to provide my family with wholesome high quality meals.

Sound familiar? For the past 5 days, I have logged onto Facebook and Twitter and have been bombarded with friends and colleagues sharing what they’re grateful for.

Of course I get it… Thanksgiving is just weeks away and everyone wants to express their thankfulness.

Have you ever noticed the “Thankful Slope”? The month starts out with topics like: I’m thankful for my family, my health, my home, etc… and by time Thanksgiving is actually here thanks is more toned down… I’m thankful for Starbucks peppermint lattes, I’m thankful for winter boots, etc.

It’s important to express our blessings, they’re often taken for granted on a daily basis. This is the month where we may find ourselves truly realizing how special our lives are. No matter how tough times have been over the year, we’re still here to celebrate our daily blessings. Hopefully with our loved ones by our side.

But here’s what I want to propose instead.

Please, STOP Telling Us What You’re Thankful For

This is a challenge that I a giving myself and I would love some company.

I feel that by sharing what we’re thankful for on Facebook is too easy. Yes, it’s heartfelt but we can do better. We can make this month (and future months) more meaningful. If you’re really thankful then why not do more than with a little status update?

So I propose this… Instead of saying what you’re thankful for, do thanks.

What Does It Mean To DO Thanks?

Take what you’re thankful for and apply it life. Now, clearly this isn’t something you’ll be able to do every single day (though sometimes the smallest sign of appreciation can make a huge impact), but perhaps if you aim to DO Thanks just once per week until Thanksgiving.

But why stop there? Is it okay that we only dedicate 1 month to sharing our gratefulness? Perhaps this is something that we can do at least once per month here on out?

Just a thought.

10 Suggestions To Do Thanks


1 –> If you’re so thankful for that morning Starbucks, why not make it a point to pick up an extra one for your colleague at work that you’re also grateful for? During the winter, I go to a veggie stand that has the nicest lady. I’ve been going to her for over a year and I look forward to our 5-minute weekly chats. I already told Dan that when it got cold, I would bring her a cup of coffee to help warm her morning.

2 –> Thankful for your family? Why not plan a family game night this weekend. Spend quality time with each other, so you can express to THEM how lucky you feel and not to those in the Facebook world.


3 –> Thankful for a healthy body that allows you to workout and move? Grab some friends and do a killer workout together or sign up for a holiday race with them.

4 –> Are you thankful for all the food in your home? The warm meals at night? Put together a box of canned goods that you can donate to a family that isn’t so lucky. Or donate to a charity that allows struggling families to enjoy a traditional turkey meal on Thanksgiving. The Gobble Gobble Give is one organization I found.

5 –> Thankful for your spouse? Show him/her by setting up a special date. Perhaps giving him a nice massage, or a gift certificate to go get a massage while you hold down the house.

6 –> Thankful for the clothes on your back? Like with food, consider cleaning closets and taking the clothes you don’t wear to a homeless shelter. Winter is coming and it’s sad that there will be people that don’t have winter boots or even a light jacket to keep the chill away.

7 –> Thankful for your friends? Instead of posting a status message on Facebook, send each a personalized card telling them you love them. With email and social media, cards and letters from friends are a real treat and a great surprise.


Love these cards by Stuff By Nicole

8 –> Thankful for your job and co-workers? Perhaps you could show up to the office with a baked oatmeal breakfast, or simply leave a sticky note on your bosses computer monitor telling him/her thanks.

9 –> Thankful for electronics? Sounds strange, but I am thankful every day to be able to work at home and create a business that runs from my computer. It’s amazing! What better way to show thanks than by stepping away from them. One weekend, leave the i-phone at home, turn off the computers and continue on with life. You will likely feel free but you’ll also feel lucky realizing how important these tools are and how much they allow you to accomplish.

10 –> Thankful for the freedoms you have? Then express yourself, don’t hold back. Be the person you truly want to be. Too often we try to be the person everyone else wants us to be… stop. Be free to be the person you want to be. If that means letting your “freak flag” fly, then fly it proudly. We all have one, it’s like a coat of arms!

I would love to hear from you…

What are you thankful for and how would you do thanks for it? 

My first Do Thanks project… I’m planning our very first Boyle Friendsgiving. It’s not until the weekend after Thanksgiving but I am going ahead an planning it out and sending invitations. A family dinner with our closest friends so Dan and I can express how thankful we are with food food, wine, and laughter.

Whip Six Feed

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