26 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

My Husband Is A Big Fat Liar Plus Basil Chicken Recipe!

By admin

My husband has had me fooled for YEARS, but now he let his secret slip and I don’t know whether to be impressed and proud or pissed off. I’ll let you decide.

Dan and I have dated for a bit over 7 years, with 5 1/2 of those years living together. During that time he has prepared 2 dinners… yes, 2 dinners in 7 years. The first was crock-pot chicken with veggies and the second was foil baked fish.

Both were great but seemed as if they took a TON of effort to put together and I summed it up that he could barely boil water.

The rest of the time he has been playing me for a fool saying he can’t cook. I remember one time, not long ago, I asked him to stick something in the oven for me so that when I got home dinner would be ready, he responded back asking how to turn on the oven.

Of course at that point, I just took over (okay maybe my fault).

I have worked very hard to provide us with home cooked meals. Some nights (Mondays and Wednesdays) I don’t get home until after 9 from teaching boot camps, but yet I still walk into the kitchen and cook a complete dinner. Am I spoiling him? Yes, but it’s also because I like a good sit down dinner too.

Anyways, you can imagine my surprise/anger when I received this photo-text the other night:  

I had a girls night out with my friend Sarah and told Dan he had to fend for himself (though of course I tossed out some ideas for him and even had some frozen leftovers).

I’m pretty sure my jaw hit the floor and I said something along the lines of: “that liar… what a punk”… okay so punk was probably not the word I used.

But after this meal I did let him know he would be expected to help out in the kitchen some more. Our vegan cooking lessons started last night with falafel.

And fortunately he seemed excited for it! He let me know that he actually enjoyed preparing a meal and plating it! And then enjoying it.

Go Dan! (I guess I am pretty proud). 

What is this delicious looking chicken you might ask?

Since I wasn’t around to experience this miracle happen, I can’t tell you the recipe 100% but here is Dan’s recap:

Summertime Chicken And Quinoa

  1. Slice boneless, chicken breast in half (but keep it together like a book) and drizzle with olive oil, place a later of basil leaves and a small amount of cilantro* and close it up.
  2. Salt and pepper the top, and grill on both sides until cooked.
  3. For the quinoa: Cook 1 cup of quinoa, he then added chopped fresh basil, bell pepper (we had red but any color will do), carrots, onions and a drizzle of red wine vinegar and olive oil. Toss to coat and serve.
  4. Dan added a dollop of red pepper hummus to the plate for dipping but that’s just an option.

Being Backyard Tourists: Charlestowne Landing

In other news, we went to Charlestowne Landing yesterday for the 1st time! Charlestowne landing was the first settlement in Charleston.

And being that it’s literally 10 minutes from our house and yet we’ve never been, I feel like the worst Charlestonian EVER… slack, right?

It was gorgeous, and a great test of my knee since it included tons of walking! I actually turned my GPS on to keep track. We ended the day with 3.5 miles and apparently burning 388 calories (according to my watch).

Here’s a bit of what we saw and things that helped us realize how freaking gorgeous it is here:

In the way distance, you can see the Ravenel Bridge.

Who doesn’t love the deep south for our Spanish moss? Who knows how old this oak tree is!

Our friend needed a drink too! Super important to stay hydrated, thanks for the reminder little guy!

I was really tempted to run, Dan reminded me that maybe I should just give walking a try… smart thinking Hubs!

Questions of the day: 

  • Has your husband surprised you with secret talents? 
  • Do you ever do local tourist events or site seeing? 

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