22 December 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Staying Home For The Holidays + Race To Candy Cane Lane Workout

By admin

Good Morning! It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just days away. While you might have a chill in the air or even snow on the ground, Charleston is feeling more like late spring.


Sure we’re known for our mild winters, but with temperatures reaching 80-degrees yesterday, this is not normal. It fact, it’s a record high where the previous was set all the way back over 25 years ago.

It’s crazy and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed.

A white Christmas sounds magical! Originally, we were all set to spend the holiday with my in-laws in Philly. I was almost guaranteed my first white Christmas! But due to a medical emergency (everyone is okay), the trip was cancelled and we will be spending the holidays here in Charleston with my family.

One little girl happy about us staying…


It’s bittersweet of course. We don’t see Dan’s family nearly enough but I am also excited to see my niece when wakes up to Santa.

Plus, Dan and I REALLY needed a vacation. When you’re a couple that works together, lives together, eats together, works out together, and does more work together… trips away are essential. It’s easy to push the “us” part aside and concentrate too much on the work side of life. So we make it a point to take time to put the focus back on us as a couple.

To help get our mind off business and onto each other, we’ve planned a downtown mini vacation right here in Charleston. I’m excited! Thanks LivingSocial for helping us to find a last minute deal!

Posts might be a bit more sporadic this week due the holidays and because I plan to soak up every minute of my husband and family as possible. I’m sure you understand and you’re likely making the same a priority.

But make sure to check in because I do have some fun posts I plan on getting up still!

Okay, so now that that’s off my chest let’s talk exercise.

Yesterday, I held an open boot camp as a pre-holiday sweat before everyone headed out of town or to their next holiday party.

See what you can accomplish!

Running To Candy Cane Lane Workout

All you need is a box or two of candy canes that are placed about 60 yards away, and a timer.


  • Part 1: You’ll set the timer for 10 minutes and complete as many rounds of the 1st circuit as possible. Each time you finish a round, run and grab a candy cane. See how many you can collect by the end of the 10 minutes.
  • Part 2: Take a 2 minute rest and repeat with the second circuit. Same idea, 10 minutes on with the sprint to Candy Cane Lane.
  • Part 3: For the final round, just have the timer set to 5 minutes, you’ll do a 30 second plank before jumping up and running to the candy canes. Before grabbing one, do 10 squats and 10 sit-ups. Grab your candy cane and run back to repeat.
  • Part 4: Count up your candy canes and enjoy one with a cup of hot coco! Well, after you’ve showered and cooled down.

Exercise help? 

All of the following are gifs to help you understand the entire movement of the exercise.

This workout would be a lot of fun with the kids or your family members visiting. We had a blast racing through to see how could come out the Candy Cane Queen! At the end I was dripping with sweat and I LOVED it!

–> Are you traveling over the next week? <– 

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