29 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

A Big List Of Thanks! It’s Game Time Y’all!

By admin

Since Monday, friends have been asking me if I am ready for this weekend.

My response? “I have no idea! But I’m as ready as I can be.”

There is a good chance that while you’re reading this Dan and I are in the car with my mom driving to our cabin in Burnsville, NC for the race that has consumed us for the past 12 weeks: The Quest For The Crest.


Sean, the race director, has been phenomenal at posting trail conditions, pictures, and tips for the race, but quite frankly all it’s really doing is freaking me out.


I don’t know about you, but I get extremely anxious before races.

With this being the hardest race I’ve ever done, and not knowing at all what to expect, I’ve been one crazy lady this past week.

Anxiety is natural for me, but goodness, I’m ready for race day. Once the whistle is blown and I’m on my way, the anxiety is pushed aside and I’m just on “go mode”.

But until then… butterflies and heart palpitations.

Sunday night kicked off sleep issues… waking up pretty much every hour after 2am and thinking far too much about stuff that is out of my control. Luckily, I found some melatonin in our cabinets and popped a pill Tuesday night. Worked like a charm.

Dan laughs at me and reminds me that all we can do is our best, so no reason to freak out. Easier said that done, right?

So yea… I’m ready.

I’m ready to see what all this anticipation is for. I’m excited to meet some amazing people, and I’m excited to see if I can do this.

The last time I submitted Mount Mitchell, I had a huge smile on my face…


Let’s hope I do when I’m back there with 31 miles behind me.

A Quick Thanks

Before logging off, I want to thank a few very special people…

Amanda was the 1st person I told I was racing. Instead of calling me crazy, she agreed to help by writing up my first training plan and continued to check in along the way. When I was having doubts, she was there to lift me up! Thank you Amanda!

Jeanette, my fitness BFF. How many miles have we logged together? Thank you for running crazy early with me for crazy distances. You didn’t need to run long distances but you did. Thank you for making long runs the best they can be and helping miles pass effortlessly. You’re the best.


Ashton, I really can’t do anything fitness related without Ashton helping in some way. Like Dan, she holds multiple positions in my life… a work partner, fitness partner, friend, and trainer. She knows how to push me and is always up for a good workout!


Bonnie, my virtual BFF, thank you for always asking how things are and being such a positive light in my life. Our weekly chats always leave me smiling, motivated and thankful. I’m excited for the race to be over so we can focus on similar goals!

Dan. I’m looking at my cursor blinking, trying to pull out the right words. You’re my partner in life, work, and adventure. Without you, I’m not sure if I would have attempted such a crazy goal. I loved sharing tips, sharing excitement and anxiety, and knowing that you’re on the trails (somewhere) with me makes this a whole lot more calming. I love you and want to thank you for always pushing me to be better, even if I fight it.


You all! Thanks for letting me obsess about my training and this race. Your support has meant so much to me! My clients have continued to provide support and words of comfort. You all have been amazing.

And finally… Thanks Mom! My mom doesn’t read this but I also feel like I can’t keep her off this list. She is driving us to the race start (4am) and crewing for us. And she’s already planning the post run meal. #BestMomEver.

Okay, with that…

I might not have a post up on Monday, because the next post I want to share is the recap! But it will definitely be here on Tuesday! I’ll do my best.

The Crest Or Bust Time!

Whip Six Feed

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