28 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

A Little Bit Of All Things Fitness: Bulu Box Review

By admin

I love getting things in the mail. Okay, maybe not all things because let’s be serious, 90% of the time it’s bills. And bills I can certainly live without. But yesterday I received something exciting… a package! And not just any old package a surprise bundle of goodies from Bulu.

My “Bulu Box” is part of a monthly healthy supplement subscription. Each month Bulu sends members a package of different supplement samples  (everything from protein  bars o  vvitaminss  to try out. You never know what you’re going to get, which ads to the suspense of seeing this red box on your door step. Pretty cool, right?

The monthly price is just $ 10 and with that you can expect to receive 4-5 different samples. Then you give them a try, and whatever you like you can come back and purchase at Bulubox.com for a reduced price.

Because I am like a 3 year old with presents, I couldn’t contain myself. Sure, I had Zoe on her leash to go out for her walk, but she was forced to wait just a few more minutes so I could break into this bad boy and share it with you.

Inside my box were 5 special treats, along with a card going over the goodies. Which I was thankful for because I did give a few “what’s this” looks (as you can see).

Here’s The Overview Of What I Got: 

bulu box

1. Life Equals Omega-3 pills. Always a good supplement for getting those healthy fats! It’s great to get to test fish oil pills, because let’s face it, some are just plain yuk, and who wants to be burping up fish all day?

Plus, Life Equals has promised to donate an equal amount of children’s vitamind to malnourished children for every purchase you make. I also got a $ 10 gift card off my next Life Equals purchase.

2. RevHoney. OMG, I am so excited to try this energy shot on my next run. I haven’t found anything I like yet for during runs and if you read my post yesterday then it’s kind of funny because I was just mentioning how I might give honey a try. The RevHoney is made out of freeze dried fruit and honey… that’s it. If I like it, this is one thing I definitely might be purchasing more quantities of.

3. Pure Matters Vitamin D. During the summer Vitamin D is pretty easy to come by, especially for me since I teach several outdoor bootcamps and try to get outside as often as I can. But during the fall and winter, these bad boys will come in handy. More and more people are finding themselves vitamin D deficient!

4. Nightfood. This cookies-n-cream nutrition bar is apparently suppose to help me sleep (I’ll let you know in the am how I feel about that). It’s filled with chocamine and melatonin, both of which work to help calm you down and help you to fall asleep faster. I however have absolutely NO problem falling asleep at night. By the time I am finally in the bed, I am so tired I fall asleep in less than 5 minutes, so I might have Dan try this one out (which he already told me he’s excited for).

5. Cellucor Super HD. Hum, not sure about this. It’s a fat burner (you know my thoughts on fat burners). The label says it is to help increase energy and focus; control appetite; and increase fat burning. This one I probably won’t try to be honest as I am not a supporter of fat burners. But if you’ve tried it let me know your thoughts.

Overall, I am really pleased with my goodie box. I love the concept since there are a lot of supplements and new vitamins I have thought about trying in the past but didn’t want to make the investment blindly. With the BuluBox, I get to take everything on a “test drive” first to see if it’s something I really would like to add to my life.

  • Are you a sample kind of person? 
  • Do you use your samples or do they just end up in a drawer? 
Get your own Bulu Box by checking out Bulubox.com

Turning into an Italian Grandmother

In other news, I received about a dozen fresh tomatoes yesterday from a client. What should a girl do with all those? Make spaghetti sauce of course! I’ll share this recipe with you tomorrow (I promise it’s super easy).

Disclaimer: I was given the Bulu Box to review. All opinions are my own.

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