10 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

A New MOVEmber: The 7-Day Move More Challenge

By admin

Everyone likes to be given a challenge from time to time. It’s a great way to spice things up, keep us accountable, and an awesome way to move forward with progress.

Yes? Yes!

Back in the day, I used to offer a new challenge each month. Like this one:


I miss those challenges. You guys loved them too, so I’m sorry for my disorganization being the cause of them falling to the waste side.

But that’s going to change.

There’s A New Challenge In Town

I’m kicking off the second week of November MOVEmber by giving you an awesome challenge. But instead of it lasting an entire month, this challenge is just 7-days.

Being just 7-days, we’re less likely to forget about it and more likely to follow through. I think we can all relate to starting a challenge or event only to realize after 3 weeks that you forget all about it. I don’t want this to be one of those.

And with just 7 days, we can all shake our heads and say, “yes, I can do this for just a week.” There really isn’t an excuse.

Here’s the plan:

This week will be a tester.

Do the challenge, let me know either via Twitter/Facebook/Instagram by tagging me in a picture of you doing the challenge and at the end of next week (since this goes from Monday – Monday), I’ll highlight those of you who kicked butt.

Twitter: @Femininemuscle
Facebook: FitWomensWeekly
Instagram: @FitnessTaylor

Then the following Monday, we can have a new challenge! Sounds like a great way for us to take a few extra steps each day to better ourselves and our bodies.

Plus, it will be fun!

If you like the idea, and it’s a hit then we’ll make Monday, “Monday Motivation Challenge” <— Name still in the works.

Oh, and I am also working on giveaways each month for those who have completed at least 1 challenge of the month to be able to partake in.

So, I know you’re getting giddy… what’s the challenge?

MOVEmber: Move More Challenge

Challenge dates: November 10 – November 17, 2014

This week’s challenge is all about moving more per day, but not in the sense of taking 1000 extra steps, or running for 20 minutes.

Each challenge is meant to take less than 10 minutes and is not designed to replace your workout but to add to your workout.

Just follow the calendar!


Completely unrelated, but Dan snapped the above photo of our trainer Ashton recently. I love this picture of her! 

Any new to you moves?

Lunge Walks

Plank Walks

Squat Side Steps

Hollow To Super(Wo)man

*Leave out the v-sit unless you want an even bigger ab burn. The idea, start in superman position, legs up, chest up and use the core to roll into a hollow rock. Keep the ankles and arms off the ground the entire time.

Horizontal Squat Jumps

Alligator Push-Ups

*If you don’t have sliders, no big deal. Simply, move forward by pushing through your toes still keeping the legs straight.

Can you handle it? Are you in? If so will you do me 3 favors?

What To Do To Participate

  1. Let me know in the comments below!
  2. Share the challenge on your favorite social media platform to let your friends know! I really want to do these weekly but of course, want to make sure it’s something you want too!
  3. Any day of the week, snap a picture of some sort that relates to the challenge. Post it up on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram tagging me so I know you did it. Then when we hold a giveaway, you’ll be automatically entered!

That’s it. Easy. The hardest thing about it all is just doing the challenge. And seeing that it takes less than 10 minutes, that’s not really all that difficult.

Why Am I Doing This?

Because it’s what I do for a living.

I love motivating others and encouraging movement. I love seeing you do the workouts I design here at on the blog and at FitWomensWeekly. I love seeing my clients push through barriers and surprise themselves at what they’re able to accomplish.

I love this whole exercise thing.

And yes, there are some selfish reasons too… I need motivation and I like a good challenge from time to time. So I’ll be doing this too.

And finally… this is a great way for me to build a better relationship with my readers. I want to know what you want. I want to see you too (hence the pictures). I put myself out there every day, that’s a fair tradeoff. Isn’t it?

So there you have it… the return of the challenge. But, just remind yourself, it’s only SEVEN days! We can all do just about anything for SEVEN days.

Are you in?

Whip Six Feed

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