20 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

A Responsibility To Push For The Best In Yourself

By admin

Happy Saturday! Chances are that right now, I am trudging through pluff mud and carrying far too many ammo boxes, but hey, I blessed to be able to do that!

Dan, Amanda, Katie and myself are going to dominate this course keep it all fun as we partake in the annual Citadel’s Bulldog Challenge. Who cares what time we get, it’s all about team work and the experience, right?

I can’t wait to share how it goes! Until then though, I am perhaps even more excited to share today’s post.

It comes from a very likable guy who knows his stuff: my husband. That’s right folks, today I am handing the keyboard over to Dan because I feel his message is far too good to deny him the right to touch my computer.

I’ll be back tomorrow with the messy Bulldog recap!

A Responsibility To Push For The Best In Yourself

The past week has been a tough one in terms of horrible events. Our fitness family was attacked, a terrible explosion in Texas at a fertilizer facility (chemical heaven) occurred, and who knows what else that we don’t even know about.

Events like these highly publicized ones can bring up emotions of regret, fear, helplessness, and depression.

But it’s not just these big nationally publicized events, everyday somebody somewhere is going through tragedy that you’ll never hear about or know about.

I can remember when I was young and lost my brother. It was horrific for me.

dan and timmy

Dan on the left; Timmy on the right

Tragedies make you question:

– How fragile life really is.
– How you can protect your family and self.
– How to live your life going forward.

These are incredibly hard questions because the only answer is…

What can you do right now in this very moment?

Right now is all that counts anyway.

One of the motto’s I try to live by is:

be the best

The one excuse I hate the most is this, and I’ve actually had friends and people tell me this…

“Tragedy like this proves that life is short so why eat healthy? workout? or start a business? I’d rather just enjoy what I can while I’m here.”

My face just starts to get red with anger when I hear that (even just writing it made me upset). Rant aside when tragedy like this past week happens, all I think about is…

I owe it to those victims, the families who experienced loss, the people who are terrified right now at living to not waste my talents, my gifts, and squander the blessing I have to be alive and healthy.

It’s my duty to not let our soldiers die in vein protecting my cushy life for me to not to contribute in in the most amazing way I can.

Tragedy Happens Everyday And It Always Will

You can’t escape it. Tragedy is going to happen everyday. But it’s up to us to make miracles happen everyday too. And you know what?

Miracles do happen everyday even if they’re small.

Just this past week we had a boot camper, Becky, run one mile in 8:15. Her goal was to break 10 even.


Doesn’t sound like much, but here’s what happens. It proves what she’s capable of and she takes that with her. She attacks her personal goals harder and with more self belief. She impacts peoples live through that.

She tells her friends and family and inspires them. Who knows the ripple effect something seemingly small like that can have.

I don’t want to get all sappy about small miracles like hugging your kids and spouse and letting them know you love them… Or maybe helping Old Man John cross the street while talking to him so he knows he still counts and people care.

The point is this:

You And I Owe It To Boston, To Texas, To Our Soldiers, To The Random People That Suffer Who We’ll Never Know… To Be The Best We Can

Become the healthiest you can and create a strong body. Cherish the body you have and show it respect because we don’t know how long we have it for.

Eat the healthiest you can to support not only your body but a positive change in how our world makes food. Maybe, just maybe, we can get past money as the only driver in the food industry and put our own well being back on top.

Love has hard as you can and continuously work patiently on your relationships. They are never has bad as you think they are when their bad and they are always the very best things in life when things are good.

Be as successful as you can and don’t waste the time you have. Make an impact on the people around you by following your passion. I’m insanely blessed I get to follow my passion for a living, but even if you can’t follow your passion and make a full time living at it… do it in your free time rather than watching TV. Make that impact!

Be excellent to one another. I think I just ripped that off of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Ha!

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

It sounds hippyish, but think about it. Isn’t being really cool to a completely random person and making them smile the greatest feeling?

It always jacks you up and makes you feel so good. That’s a mini miracle and the ripple affect of that throughout the day can be enormous.

So Strive Each Day To Be Your Best Because You’re Incredibly Blessed To Be Breathing Right Now

Strive to be your best. It’s not always going to be easy. Heck, I fail at it daily, but I always think and let those not as fortunate as me remind me to live my best life. Live for what they might have done, what they wish they could have done.

I didn’t really mention it, but I do think above all you owe it to yourself to push as hard as you can in life. However, that’s a topic for another day.

Thanks for letting me vent some feelings. Smile today!

In the wake of tragedy, what drives you to pick up and move forward?

 One final reminder to local Charleston friends. Tomorrow (Sunday) at 8am, there will be a #ChsLovesBoston 5K run at Colonial Lake! Love to see you there.

charleston run boston

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