19 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

A Superman Workout To Became a WOman Of Steel

By admin

The following post is sponsored by Fitfluential LLC on behalf of Soldier Of Steel, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

I almost broke my butt yesterday filming this workout. No, Seriously.

But before I explain my fitness blooper (it was pretty hilarious), let me share my more nerdy side.

I love comic book movies.

X-men, Spiderman, Batman and yes, Superman.


It’s one reason why I love the summer because I can count on one of the above having a new movie.

This summer… it’s all about The Man Of Steel TM!

Have you seen Superman?

He looks incredible, step aside Channing Tatum and Hugh Jackman, Henry Cavill may give your muscles a run for their money.


Well, he worked extremely hard for his “body of steel” and now you can train (or make your husband train) like him as well.

Celebrity trainer Mark Twight, pushed the cast of the movie as well as real National Guard Soldiers with killer workouts, creating what’s now:

Soldier Of SteelTM Program

Do you remember when 300 came out? Everyone wanted to look like Gerald Butler, so the 300 Workout was born.

This was the first thought that popped into my mind when I heard of Soldier Of Steel.

I loved the 300 Workout (and still do it from time to time) so I was excited to take a look at this.

Basically, Twight tested out amazing workouts not only on actors but real life heros… the National Guard. From their training, this 1-month training routine was born.

soldier of steel

And it’s available up at SoldierOfSteel.com. It says “Workout” but there are actually several workouts.

I loved checking out the site to see Henry Cavill’s training and transformation (again reminding me of Gerald Butler).

I also loved watching the real life soldiers push beyond their limits. Of course as I watched, I wondered if I could do better.

So I tried…

Woman Of Steel Workout

One of the workouts was a very fast row workout done with a partner.

I called my friend Taylor and recruited her to experiment with me.

Thanks Taylor!

I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say the first 10 seconds are the best… as it explains why it hurts to sit down today.

Be prepared to laugh. You can laugh at me, I won’t get all huffy and puffy.

Overall, it was a great workout. Though I think I held back out of fear for flying off the machine again.

It would have been much better if I had given 100%, but that just wasn’t possible with the not so great rower we had access to.

To get all out of the workout, we followed it up with some pull-ups and other body weight exercises. But in the 8 minutes it took to do this workout, we were sweating and panting.

One more thing I should add…

It took us longer than we would have liked because our machine was set on miles, not meters… we had no idea how far 250 meters was, so we each did .3 miles instead before switching (more than the 250 prescribed meters).

I realized that I don’t utilize the row machine often enough! It’s no joke… however I will try to get it locked to the ground next time so no more bloopers happen.

If you’re curious about the program, Mark Twight is hosting a Twitter party tomorrow (Thursday, June 20th) from 3 – 4 PM EST. Just use the hashtag #TwightTakeover.

What’s your favorite comic book movie? 

This was a sponsored post, however I would have tried it out regardless as I love seeing and experimenting! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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