09 February 2014 ~ 0 Comments

A Surprise Trip To San Francisco For Kettlebell Certification

By admin

Happy Sunday. Nike does Sundays the best…


Slow and relaxed!

Like most Sundays, mine kicked off with a stack of delicious pancakes. It was a new recipe, Paleo Cashew Cinnamon, which turned out delicious but I had some flip issues. The end result looked terrible but tasted wonderful and it even fit the rules of the 21 Day Sugar Detox.

No picture because the recipe will be shared Friday!

I have some big news! Dan and I are headed to California… in less than 2 weeks!



It was a very quick decision but one that was easy to make.

For the past year we have talked about getting kettlebell certified. I’ve been practicing skills and working on getting stronger so that when the time presented itself we would be able to jump on the opportunity.

Well, we found a certification in Boston for the summertime that we originally thought we would do. But it was going to be a very expensive trip. Boston isn’t cheap, certification isn’t cheap and transportation isn’t cheap.

Then, my kettlebell role model, Jason C Brown, announced a certification THIS month in San Francisco.


When Dan approached me about going, I laughed out loud. Yea okay.. like that’s going to be a better deal. No matter how much I like Jason C Brown, I assumed the trip would be a terrible idea.

Turns out I was wrong.

Going to San Francisco proofed to be a much better option. Saving not just hundreds of dollars, but THOUSANDS of dollars.

Sign me up!

We found some great deals on flights, used Name Your Price (priceline.com) to secure a 4-star hotel for $ 90/night and breathed a sigh of relieve that everything fell into place.

So here we go.

In 2 weeks I’ll accomplish one of my fitness goals for 2014 to become kettlebell certified. And a second goal to travel more.

Of course all of this means that due to the speedy change in plans, my ass will be glued to my kettlebells as I try to perfect form, learn new moves, and feel comfortable in front of the pros.

Now to the important stuff…

What To Do In San Fran? 

Neither Dan or I have ever been to California! San Francisco has been on our travel list for years so we’re pretty stoked to have 2 days to see the city and do some touristy things.

  • What should we do?
  • Where should be eat?
  • Where should I run? <— I have already told Dan I am waking up before certification clinics to get a run in. I have to run San Fran!

If you have any recommendations please share. I am clueless and to be honest, I don’t see myself having a ton of time to sit down and really plan an itinerary.

Thanks for any help!

The Get Moving More Project

Yesterday we held a boot camp event at our gym, it was packed and we had a fabulous time leading so many amazing women in a great weekend workout.



From there I spent the rest of the day with my Mom. Eating lunch at the delicious Southern Season, spending time at my grandmother’s home looking over pictures and laughing as we reminisced.

Long story short, I didn’t have time to post up a recap of this past week’s JawBone Move More Project.

So to end…

Here is an overview of our steps this past week broken up into days (not sure why it says I have 0 steps today) and then the totals for the week.


Dan kicked my butt in the sleep category! And I kicked his in the steps. I’ve gotten into a great rhythm of going for walks/jogs between boot camps to help me wake up and get the blood flowing early in the morning!

And finally, we have also started tracking our days. Using the ATracker to see where our time is going so we can see if tweaks need to be made.


I’ll be honest and say I wasn’t 100% perfect. Sometimes I forgot to log activities, but I will say that doing this 2-week test helps me to be more productive with each activity I needed to buckle down with. Less time playing and more time focused. Which of course leads to more time playing as we were able to knock off our to-dos faster.

Where is your favorite place to travel to in the US? 

Whip Six Feed

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